No Ordinance. Still told to get rid of them! MICH.

UPDATE: Good and Bad news. Good news, we are probably going to get the ordinance changed, which is awesome. So hopefully others will get the chance to do the same and be in good standing.
Bad news is their attorney is interpreting both the ordinance and the law wrong. So they are telling me no hens until this is addressed properly (ie. ordinance change),
Ummm, how is "their attorney is interpreting both the ordinance and the law wrong"?
Quote: Please tell that to my boys, who generally start crowing at about 3 am. They also crow on and off all day long.
Okay, I'll retract the "One more point I would like to make. Roosters do not normally "go off at all hours." Like the hens they go to sleep at sunset and only crow at sunrise." part in deference to those comparative few who have that problem.

That does not invalidate my point about railroad tracks and airports.

Well, it's 6:00 am and Sunsinger is quacking loudly as she does every morning. Not only isn't SHE a rooster, she isn't even a chicken. Guess it's time to get the day started.

Sunsinger the duck.
Silkies ~ I agree with a lot of people here that after our Right to Farm Act was revised in 2001, it covers anyone selling their farm products as long as we follow GAAMPS.
As far as the ordinance, it you study Michigan's General Village Code, it clearly states that Villages can NOT enforce vague ordinances. If this were to have gone to court, the judge would have no choice but to rule in defendants favor. It's all written in black and white. I know this isn't the case with a lot of MI residents fighting this, but in my particular case there essentially is no ordinance to enforce.
I'm trying help the community out, now that this has been brought to light, many residents want the same. Some even have hens on hold until we can get something passed. So rather than ruffle-ing feathers and fighting. I'm going with working with City Hall, providing any information I can and getting involved in other aspects of the Village to try and make this a better place for everyone. I think it's a reasonable thing to set up some kind of further guidelines (aside from GAAMPS, which is pretty well written to begin with), thus allowing backyard chickens for anyone that would like a small flock.
This has also opened up the issue of beehives and rabbits, something other residents are interested in, and hopefully all of these issues are looked at seriously.
MaryLang, I have nothing to add to the discourse from a legal standpoint, but I would like to commend you as an American for standing up to bureaucracy. It's a small thing, but it is a telling symptom of the world that we're becoming if we don't stand up on our hind legs and push back. What do you think George Washington's reaction would have been if some self important badge holder walked up to him and told him that Mt. Vernon wasn't zoned for chickens? I'm not talking about violating the LAW, I mean standing up to someone who doesn't like the life-choices that you make and decides that their OPINION makes them right and therefor they have power over you. It's actually a microcosm of what happens in the coop. A bully decides he/she is better or more powerful than their fellow flock-mates and pecks the rest. One of the victims takes offense and pecks back. The bully redoubles her effort to assert her dominance and will win unless the victim stands her ground. When the bully realizes she can't boss this one around then the order is established and peace returns and they all coexist. Sometimes it gets bloody, but it's the way the game is played. The confrontation is a necessary part of the finally happy outcome.

(Steps down off soapbox after self-important rant)
MaryLang, I have nothing to add to the discourse from a legal standpoint, but I would like to commend you as an American for standing up to bureaucracy. It's a small thing, but it is a telling symptom of the world that we're becoming if we don't stand up on our hind legs and push back. What do you think George Washington's reaction would have been if some self important badge holder walked up to him and told him that Mt. Vernon wasn't zoned for chickens? I'm not talking about violating the LAW, I mean standing up to someone who doesn't like the life-choices that you make and decides that their OPINION makes them right and therefor they have power over you. It's actually a microcosm of what happens in the coop. A bully decides he/she is better or more powerful than their fellow flock-mates and pecks the rest. One of the victims takes offense and pecks back. The bully redoubles her effort to assert her dominance and will win unless the victim stands her ground. When the bully realizes she can't boss this one around then the order is established and peace returns and they all coexist. Sometimes it gets bloody, but it's the way the game is played. The confrontation is a necessary part of the finally happy outcome.

(Steps down off soapbox after self-important rant)

Wow, y'all really do really live your motto, huh?
New Hampshire, the "Live Free or Die" State; courtesy of General John Stark of the revolutionary war. He had more iron in his spine than I'll ever have; I just hope to be a worthy successor to the liberty he fought for.

If it weren't for your winters, I'd be ****** proud to live in a state with that motto and history. Unfortunately, my iron has rusted and I need warmer climes, but I'm proud to llive in the same country as you. We all need to "Live Free or Die."

And Mary - good for you for standing up. We all need to stand up sometimes - even if it's hard.

Kate (who stands up in spite of a leg brace) (Wow, they edited out my dam)
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