No sleep for Wolf tonight..


11 Years
12 Years
Jan 25, 2008
I had finally settled down and decided it was time for bed. Double checked all the locks, turned off the lights, checked on the dogs, and crawled into bed. I thought I was going to get a good night of sleep...

I'm about half awake, haven't been in bed but a few minutes when I felt something brush against my shoulder. I didn't think anything of it, because I sleep with a fan running and I have long hair. Again I felt something brush against my shoulder, and my train of thought was drawn to the sensation. I realize the the flowing of my hair was going against the current of the fan. It was NOT my hair.

I immediately open my eyes, but to find one of my least liked critters on the planet scampering across my shoulder and heading for the cover of my comforter. I fling it off my shoulder and leapt across the room in search for the light. Light comes on and I see a large light brown spider frantically search for cover atop my bed. My mind can only repeat "Brown Recluse" and I shiver. I go to the kitchen in search of some source of spider removal, I didn't want to give it the opportunity to get away so I grabbed the nearest thing to me. A mason jar..

I re-enter my bedroom, now fully awake and begin the search for my un-invited arachnid bed-mate. It's gone, no longer out in the open on my bed in the direction I last saw it headed. Realizing it could easily blend into my carpet, I go and put my contacts back in. Re-enter my room once more and start searching around the bed. Knowing my sanity will not be restored until my friend has been removed, I continue searching. All the while images of Brown Recluse bites I had researched for a college project keep playing through my mind. A thumb split open end to end, huge gaping wounds on the body.

Going on a hunch, I timidly flip through my crumpled comforter and who should be waiting in the folds of my favorite blanket but my fine friend. I trap him in his glass prison and now he sits on the coffee table. The only good news to come out of this encounter, it was not a Brown Recluse but the commonly mistaken Southern House Spider. Regardless, I am NOT a fan of spiders, give me a snake anyday. There will be no sleep for Wolf tonight, at least not in her bed...

For a picture of my latest bed-mate, here is a photo of a male Southern House Spider..


Enjoy... :|

Go to bed and dream of furry spiders crawling all over you body.

I can't sleep tonight either. I should have never taken that 8 hour nap.

Go wake up a chicken and snuggle.
That's not nice at all.

I am NOT a fan o f spiders. I guess you can call me arachnaphobic. I am usually pretty good about containing my fear. I didn't scream, almost, but didn't.

Now everytime my hair touches my skin, I jump.

It's silly, I know and I hate that I'm afraid of them. It's not an ignorant fear, I know there are only two spiders you really have to worry about in NC(which this one looked like one of them), but that doesn't reduce my fear of them.

Now, I am on the couch with my wonderful laptop, jumping at every hair and flickering shadow. *sigh* I hate that I'm scared of them..but, I hate them more..

8 hour nap

Thanks Kim for the lovely description and lovely picture.
Reminds me of a night I had with a more furry spider, creepy. This one as soon as it saw me looking at it ran, fast, for cover.
Yikes!!!!! I too detest spiders, it gives me the shivers just thinking about your incident! Glad we dont't have nasties that bite here in the UK!..........

No thank you.. Had it been any bigger or hairier, I would have known it was not dangerous and at least had SOME comfort.. but, no, it had to look like a Brown Recluse..

You sure it wasn't a Wolf Spider?

Spiders don't bother me but I don't want them walking on me either.
We have tons in the house cause I won't kill them and they eat all the
pesky insects. But then again I'm in CT. Not any poisonous (at least
a danger to human) spiders up here. I've heard about the Brown Recluse
being up here but they stay in the wood piles.

I think that spider just wanted to cuddle and you rejected him.
Then my rejection must have given him a death by broken heart.

I kill them if they are in the house. I kill them outside if they are Black Widows(which we find in our shed quite often) or look anything like a Brown Recluse.

Brown Recluse bites are nasty. Just do a Google on it, I was tempted to post one or two here, but decided against it as they are quite graphic.
I had a friend almost lose his arm from a Recluse bite. It's no joke.

My kid loves spiders. He brought in a mother spider to school in a
little aquarium. She had an egg sack and all the kids got to see spiders
hatching. They were a tiny species and not very scary.

We have a few in our garden that weave webs between the tomato plants.
We catch moths and feed them.

Now the kinds I really like are the ones around the size of a half dollar that
can run 30 miles an hour. Oh yeah!!!!!

You picked a good night for a spider fight.

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