No Toys???

...and this to shall pass. One day you will realize that you have not had to pry a lego block from the sole of your foot, or that you have not sat on a single transformer...and you will, yes, miss it.

It all goes so fast...your sanity goes first, then they grow up.

I will be nuts and alone...with chickens.
I will be that crazy cat lady that's on the Simpson's, but with chickens.
Whaaa! I have to go hug a kid!
Oh, I know how you feel...

There was one Christmas where our kids got sooo many toys, they got tired of opening gifts, and I actually put some away for their birthdays! Yeah, it was that bad!! LOTS of family and grandparents due to re-marriages, etc.

Now I tell anyone who asks- Please no noisy toys, they WILL be thrown away after one day (I have zero tolerence for extra noise w/5 kids and pets) or I send the noisy ones right back to the givers home to be enjoyed by my kids when they visit there.
Also, I ask for sensible things- I tell them "My kids LOVE gift cards to *where-ever* so they can get what they want, or save for something. Or, I tell them "Oh, they like anything small, or things that they can play with outside".

I have donated sooo many toys, but I also have a big family, so we all tend to swap toys, or save them for the next child in the family who is old enough for a toy someone else has outgrown. I've had certain outfits make it through 3 different girls in our family! Toys can do the same!! You could try a toy swap/giveaway that only parents go to- that way your kids dont load up on more toys!! Or list the stuff on CL as free for struggling parents, with this economy, alot of kids may not see a certain fat man this holiday season.

As for answering to the gift-givers, they almost never ask about a previous gift. And if they do you can just say "That is put away right now" or "Oh, I'm so sorry to tell you, it got 'lost, broken, left out in the rain or sprinklers, run over by a car in the driveway' etc.
I am with Ema and the others the kids must make a "donate" box full of toys before their birthdays and before christmas. They choose.

And I put toys in bg tuperware containers and stick them in the basement. Three months or so later I box up another batch and bring back up the old batch and viola they are all new again!

My MIL is also our issue. She brings toys when she cones to visit! Not as gifts! Oh no they go home with her! She brings toys because she thinks our kids don't have enough!
DH took her to the basement and opened closets and drawers showing her the stashes of toys and she still does it......
Only read the first post so far, but when people start asking for gift suggestions, have a ready made list of ideas in different price ranges that fit each child's abilities and interests. Some ideas are craft and art sets or supplies, clothing, tickets to something special (a grandmother might get a real kick out of taking her grandchild on a date to see a good quality play, and it creates memories of time spent with the grands), a holiday ornament, special bath & grooming suppplies. My sons always loved getting sample sized bottles of men's cologne and aftershave in their stockings, they even gave larger sized ones, along with soap-on-a-rope and other "manly" grooming aids as birthday presents, and those were always a hit, if they are in need of new bedspreads, those are good grandparent gifts (or others that would spend larger sums). Can also ask them to give something small plus a bond or education account deposit. Also consider asking for donations to a children's charity instead.

Mind you, I do not think you should just start telling people what they should give your children, but I know that a lot of times people DO ask what would be a good gift, and that is when you can channel the requests into things that you feel would be better choices.
If they ask, maybe you can ask that they send a gift card, then combine them to get one really big present that they will really play with or enjoy for a long time: a portable basketball hoop. tennis table, swingset, whatever fits the bill.
Our Christmas policy as far as Santa goes is as follows:
You get 4 gifts from St. Nick for Christmas,
1. Something you want
2. Something you need
3. Something to wear
4. Something to read

And they get stuff in their stocking too.
What? No drum sets?? (I have been soooo tempted to get drums for various children at various ages... just to see the glaze in their parents eyes. Haven't been so cruel as to actually do it yet though!)
I like the idea of having the kids pick and choose which toys to give up. My dad just used to haul stuff into boxes then out to the curb. I know he threw away good and favorite stuff! I had a "Chewbacca" doll that today goes for $85! $85!!! Be carefull what the kiddies toss. Some stuff will appreciate in value over time.
In addition to books, I think a good idea for gifts for children with too many toys, are magazine subscriptions. "Highlights", "National Geographic for Kids", etc. The kids get something new and educational each month, then it can be recycled eventually.
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Rather interesting thread.
My DD looked at me the other day and said she did not want any toys for Christmas, she wanted books instead.
I skipped to the bottom so I could say this......when my daughter was small.....I was divorced by the way...her grandmother (my ex's mom) always had to buy the most. Finally one day I told her why didn't she start buying e bonds for her and maybe one small fun gift...that she could use that more than anything. She did and when she was 18 there was quite a bit of money there.

On to the sad part but don't feel bad because she is doing super. Ended up my daughter is special needs. So, right before she was 18 I talked to her grandmother and told her the situation. In order for my daughter to go into independent living she could have no assets. As it was, it took almost four years before there was a place for her. So we cashed in all the bonds. For her 'graduation' present she and I took a vacation. She loved it. We had never been able to have a 'family' vacation because it took all I could make for us to live.

So, it was a great experience for my daughter and my family all contributed when they found out what we were doing.

However, how wonderful it would have been for her to graduate and have a little bundle of money sitting there waiting on her to start college.

Even if your MIL or DM or whoever had just $25 to spend....that would buy one of those e bonds that at when your child was 18 would be worth a lot more!

Just a thought for all you mom's with cluttered houses from all the toys!

After being divorced for almost 20 years I remarried 4 years ago. The first Christmas with my new DGD's was a real shock to me. The mound of paper that rose up off the floor as they opened their presents was appaling to me....really it did shock me! So now we buy one 'big' gift and small other gifts. Each year I have cut back more and each year it gets better! (and by 'better' I mean Christmas for all the right reason!)
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All the toys! Our kids are grown up and gone. We now have a golden retriever (like a teen age daughter.) Last night I counted 28 toys strewn around the living room. Our kids never got away with that crap. When and why did we become so lenient?

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