No Toys???

let your boys grow into the transformers. it is a good logic toy. as for the stuff MIL buys for them 'NOT' to play with, ask her if she would store them at her house until the grand kids are old enough to take these 'mint condition items in their original box' to the antique's road show.
Sorry you have to deal with that. A toy not played with is not a toy, it is a burden.
You figure out the secret to reining in overspending grands you let me know... my Dad and Sus and my Mom are all practical folks mainly... good prices, clothes, books, shoes and maybe one toy... maybe. Because they know that we'll be getting them at least some useless stuff they don't feel the driving need you know? But...

Getting gift 'wants' from my kids is like pulling teeth... they just don't ask for much... which is really great, makes me feel like maybe I'm doing something right... DS, 12, for instance asked for one PC game, found it online for $12 awesome...

But when MIL goes out and buys that one item before I can....

And then on top of that buys a bazillion (if only via piece count) things too...

Add in that I KNOW, via conversations with FIL, just how business is going and thus that they CANNOT afford it.


We usually do the 'toss and donate' thing before Christmas; toss whatever is broken, damaged etc. and donate whatever the kids want to donate. It works pretty well if they are involved, yes they will balk and complain but it is their 'stuff' and then they have to deal with it too.

Good luck! I am thankful I have two teenagers so the items they want are much smaller....... and they want books and movies.
I already posted on this thread on first page but I wanted to add...I was dreading my DD bday which was late september. We had a big party at the Indoor pool in town and every single kid in grade 2 and the split grade 2/3 she is in came to the party a total of 27, 7 yr olds.

She did get some toys, those new moxie girls, but most parents got her arts and craft things, and gift cards, puzzles and books. I was so thankful not to have to worry about where I would be putting all those toys. LOL...we did have one kid, her best friend who went tot he polar bear heritage and got her a 5 foot tall polar bear stuffy...ahahaha she uses it as a pillow cause its cashmere and its so so soft.

My dd has been talking about xmas non stop already, hard not to since all the xmas stuff is already out at the stores and Halloween hasn't even passed yet. well the other day she took the grocery bins into her room and already filled 1 bin of stuff she hasn't touched in a while. guess she is getting ready for what ever Santa will be bringing her this year!!!

I know it sounds really mean, and probably rude- But I honestly had to tell ALL the in-laws and G-parents "Please, only get them ONE toy. I WILL throw anymore right into the trash. The kids DO NOT appreciate ANYTHING when they get so much. So, I really have no choice but to toss any and all extras into the trash. Sorry"

Yes, they were kinda miffed, and probably thought I was a b*&ch, but I just got to my ropes end, and my kids were gettin spoiled. I mean, when kids dont WANT to open anymore gifts on birthdays and Christmas, they have obviously gotten waaaaaayyy too much.
The threat of having the gifts go straight to the round file made a serious difference. Everyone scaled WAY back, and I thanked them profusely, and the kids actually remembered who gave them what and were much more grateful

To the poster who wrote "Jesus got 3 things for his birthday"...
That was one of the most beautiful holiday sentiments I have ever read. Thank you, and I will be repeating it to my 5 children this year, and every year to follow.
do what my daughter does.. when kids are outside or away she "cleans" the rooms full of toys.. and if they get noticed missing she hasn't a clue to where they are..later when alone she donates the excess to salvation army or rescue mission.. besides holidays are coming up soon.. nice to help out the less fortunate. also when daughter and son are broke.. funny how santa brings a few crafty or science things to their bedrooms at our house for them to do when they visit..... hehe..
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So We currently moved in with my parents after moving out of my MIL's house. She was complaining one day about the bins of toys that were in the living room which are all things she bought second hand or whatever...i don't care but half the stuff is garbage anyways so here is what I did I went and bought a new bin. Bring all the toys into the living room or where ever and let them have access to ALL of them. Watch what they play with and the ones they regularly play with go into the new bin all the other stuff...I donated and if the MIL asks say it broke
My son is huge on the matchbox cars he has like a million so I'd go through those and the ones looking a little rough for wear i donated too...I don't feel so bad about donating because I always think of the other kids they could be making happy. Do it like twice a year or 4 times a year however you feel things would work better they are always interested in different things so and then they don't notice things are gone. I do it when they're asleep or my son would go through the donate bag and pull stuff out.
I hated when my mother would decide what toys I no longer wanted - very often I played with things then put them away for months or even years, but came back to them. I always felt like my trust had been broken when she got rid of things. Obviously with Arwyn's baby stuff I'll put it away when he gets too old for it, but other stuff I'll leave for him to decide when to pack away and when to get rid of (broken and dangerous toys are the exception, of course)

Mind you, it's not like any of the family are spoiling him and giving him toys anyway (or showing any interest in his existence), mostly he has things I and one friend have managed to get second hand.
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This post is the perfect response to the two posts before it. Whose toy is it? The kids need to have a say is WHICH toys go bye-bye. Sometimes a toy is not played with as often because it is special, not because it has lost is appeal. And by taking the toys without the child's acknowledgement, it may be easier, but it teaches nothing about sharing or donating with those who are less fortunate, or selling at a garage or 2nd hand shop (thriftiness)

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