Non-Crowing Black Silkie Roo ~FREE~ TN

i would love to have him but gas prices are up too high my little brother has a few hen and has been wanting a roo would u ever think about shipping him
i live in west virginia
I'm not sure about shipping, but I'm going to investigate. I think it's quite expensive, and I know it's stressful on the bird.
But I'd rather take a chance on shipping him than seeing him eaten. Sooo....
I do so hope you find a home for him! Wish I had known before I bought my chicks, a quiet little roo would have been nice.
From what I've read, there's no real guarantee he'll STAY quiet, though. Once he gets well and truly away from our dominant roo (also a Silkie and a very LOUD one), HP may find his 'voice'.

But for now he's living alone in a cage in the garage, murmuring at us as we come and go. We set the cage in the sunshine when we're home, and he's gone for a walk in a harness on a leash. He leads better than he's led... If that makes sense.

He was outside yesterday and Meester (roo) stalked up to the cage looking beligerent. One of the hens squawked from the edge of the woods and Meester ran back to his girls without scaring HP.
Aweeeee! He is so cute! I think he'd make some little girl a really great pet house chicken. He would be perfect for the city, since he's so quiet. Maybe someone will need a mate for their silkie girls. Hope he finds a nice home soon. Way to cute for soup!
Poor guy definitely needs a new home.

I felt guilty leaving him in a cage, all alone, even though he didn't seem too stressed about it. Well, then hens REALLY gave him a hard time. He bowed down to the top roo when challenged, though, and after that Meester let HP hide behind him when the hens got aggressive.

Poor HP. He is definitely acting more like a roo after his solo in the cage. But after trying to climb on a BO (he's 1/2 her size) she grabbed him by the top of the head and shook him like a dog with a rag!
I live in Bremen GA about 45 min to an hour away from Rome.
If you come down let me know. I have some month old silkies he would love!
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Boy, the post office SERIOUSLY discourages shipping live chickens! Either that, or I caught them on a grumpy day...

Poor guy IS way too cute for soup!
I just can't do that to him.
But I do have to find a solution soon, as the hens are STILL abusing the poor little guy. I think I'll have to pull him out of the tractor again, and put him back in his lonely cage...

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