~non emergency ~ Hen unusually calm post fox attack?


Master of the 'never give up' attitude
Jan 19, 2018
My Coop
My Coop
I have a 2yr old Australorp hen who was attacked yesterday by a fox along with two other hens.
Before the attack she was one of my flightiest hens. She was also being broken for broodiness.
She is fine, physically. Only lost a handfull of feathers and has a very superficial skin tear.
However, ever since immediately after the attack she has been very, very calm. I walked up to her and picked her up, never happens. I can turn her on her side, normally she would flog me. She walks up to me. She usually runs from me.

Is she okay? Is she in shock? She's no longer broody.
She is separated to recover for a few days.

My other hen has a shallow bite mark on her back which is being treated. She acts as if nothing happened. The third hen is MIA, presumed dead.

She might still be in shock, or she could be insecure from the attack. Hopefully, she doesn’t have any internal injuries. Just make sure that she is drinking fluids and eating. Cooked egg is usually well accepted. I hope your third chicken shows up. It could be that she fly away or over a fence, and might still show up. I would look around more in case she is injured somewhere. And of course, look your other hens over for any hidden puncture wounds or cuts under wings. Vetericyn and plain Neosporin are good for wound care. Sorry that you lost one. The fox will come back, so secure the coop and run.
As @Eggcessive has said she is very likely in shock. I'd keep her in a quiet somewhat warm place and hope that she has no internal injuries. Only time will tell.
How likely is it that she has internal injuries if the fox had her for about 40 seconds give or take?
My dad saw the rox run and grab her and charged tbe fox. He was far enough away that it took him at least 20 seconds to get there.
The other hen was battling with the juvenile fox for over double that time. She was on the opposite side of my property and I could only run so fast.

She did not drink today but she ate pellets. I will bring her mash now to get liquids in her. She is in the dark, heated barn.
Poor baby. It’s a terrifying event to have a near miss. Can you imagine? She’s confused, in shock. I don’t know if you handle your chickens or not. Mine are cuddle girls. I’d have to be giving lots of love for sure.
My LH suffered a terrible wound. She was very needy.
I’m so thankful yours wasn’t injured. Best wishes
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Knowing what you've told of her normal demeanor, I'd say that bird is in shock. I've treated birds post-attack with and without injuries. Some of them (injured or not) are mentally fine after they calm out of the initial terror, act like nothing happened and go about their business as usual. Some (injured or not) go into shock and become varying degrees of unresponsive when you approach or interact with them. The length of time this lasts depends on the individual bird. They can also become depressed, especially if their buddy dies in the attack.

Even if she's outwardly totally unresponsive I suggest calmly speaking to her in an encouraging tone whenever you can. She likely hears you but is too overwhelmed to respond at all. Some gentle external stimuli can help to guide her "back" to here and now.

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