🕷spooder lover🕷
Hello all.
I am wondering if there is a type of quail that won't hurt each other
During breeding season ?????
I was thinking about trying some
Different kinds of quail Because I only have two coturnix left and one
Is injured pretty badly
It's scalp is basically ripped off so
I don't want to put him with his one
Female , so if anyone can help
That'd be great .
Thanks in advance.
Josh .
I am wondering if there is a type of quail that won't hurt each other
During breeding season ?????
I was thinking about trying some
Different kinds of quail Because I only have two coturnix left and one
Is injured pretty badly

It's scalp is basically ripped off so
I don't want to put him with his one
Female , so if anyone can help
That'd be great .
Thanks in advance.
Josh .