New to the chicken game but the wife and I want to eat healthier and figured what better way than to raise our own food. We got six chicks to start out and love every one of our "girls". We got 2 white leghorns (Dixie & Esther), 2 buff Orpingtons (big red & chickie nugget), and 2 ameracaunas (Scarlett Johensson & Henrietta), (at least we hope they are ameracaunas). Our girls are 3 weeks old tomorrow and every time I have a question I use Google and 95% of the time I get BYC for a link to an answer. The six we have now are going to be our mother hens, we plan on using these 6 for our eggs and eventually getting a rooster for our meat chickens. I decided to join BYC sooner rather than later that way I start out getting the best opinions and facts about my girls. I look forward to all the feedback and answers to everyone of my questions (I'm sure I'll have thousands). Thanks for your time and I hope to become a great chicken farmer with all of your help.