
Going on fay 20... woke up to a single pip.
I hear peeping also. Please be a good hatch.
Fingers crossed. So far I have 3 out with one pip on day 23. I had to help one out. But hey, We all need a little help every once in a while! Rest of my eggs are day 21.

Come one Poularde chicks......Show yourself!
Fingers crossed for you too! I think this is the hardest part. WALK AWAY FROM THE INCUBATOR!!! Luckily I am going to work today so I won't obsess about it until I get home. I do enjoy hatching eggs, but I wish we could skip lock-down and they would all hatch quickly and at the same time.
Gah, I hate it, only five more days until hatch time. How am I supposed to wait?! I have some painting and gardening to do...but that only passes a few hours! Though right now I am out of town 'til Monday, so I can't obsessively scold the eggs and tell them to hurry up. Gotta love automatic turners, turning the eggs whilst you are away.
Be careful....My auto turning craddle broke. At first it would just stop for a few hours and I would tap on the end and it would start turning again. This time, I quit for good. Stopped turning for 2 days. My husband took it apart and looked at the motor compartment and put some WD40 on it , but nothing. So now I hand turn until I can contact Brinsea on Monday.
For the fun of it, I candled a few eggs last night, mainly to see if the shipped eggs were doing ok. Picked up the egg #1, and noticed a long crack in it!!!
and when candled, saw veins!! but the aircell is loose and large for the age of the egg. Will it hatch??
We are only on day 6 or 7. The egg has now been waxed, which will hold it together nicely and stop the moisture from coming out, but I'm afraid to much water has dehydrated out all ready.
Tonight I'll candle the rest of the shipped eggs to see if any more have hairline cracks that weren't seen on the day of setting.

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