Normal size for day 18?

Any updates?
Here's some of them- ❤️
She said don't set them until they sit for 24 hours, when I set them don't turn for the first 5 days and set them upright-
After 5 days turn on the turner and at lockdown turn it off.
At this point she said,
All correct but just turning that type of turner off and leaving it in for hatching is not good advice.
How often are you candling your eggs? I only candle on day 7 (chickens) or day 10 (turkeys) then again when they're going into lockdown, unless I think I have a problem.
Also, if your eggs are taking longer than usual, it may be that the ambient temperature where your incubator sits is lower than it was during other hatches. If that's the case, your incubator temp might be very slightly lower (.1 or .2 degrees F), which will increase incubation time. The incubator will be working harder to maintain temp. Different incubators are more or less effected by this depending on construction.
Generally speaking, warmer incubation temp = shorter incubation time and vice versa.
How often are you candling your eggs? I only candle on day 7 (chickens) or day 10 (turkeys) then again when they're going into lockdown, unless I think I have a problem.
Also, if your eggs are taking longer than usual, it may be that the ambient temperature where your incubator sits is lower than it was during other hatches. If that's the case, your incubator temp might be very slightly lower (.1 or .2 degrees F), which will increase incubation time. The incubator will be working harder to maintain temp. Different incubators are more or less effected by this depending on construction.
Generally speaking, warmer incubation temp = shorter incubation time and vice versa.
It tells me its at 99.5 the majority of the time. I was wondering if maybe it's starting to read wrong but i wasn't sure.
I candle on day 3 to check fertility and depending on what I see i might candle again on day 5- Usually i don't until day 7- then I'll candle on day 14 unless I see questionable development on day 7 then i might candle on day 11.
If all is well after day 14 I'll candle again on either day 17 or 18 right before lockdown.
So on healthy eggs, I only candle on day 3, 7, 14 or 17/18.
Ill admit i can candle sometimes a lot but I always have and none of the eggs are shipped. I'll probably candle a lot less on shipped eggs.
I've never had problems before and as I've said i usually have early hatches and hardly ever any quitters.

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