North Carolina

Too bad ya'll Gardener's weren't closer.... we have persimmons tree saplings looking for new homes.
Sorry I wasn't very talkative yesterday...I wasn't feeling too hot after my bday night-before
I ended up with the gorgeous chicks I got from Bhep and 7 adolescent aged "americana's" sorry to say that when I got them home and got a closer look, looks like I bought 5 roo's ad 2 hens
......and my roommate said I can't buy anymore until I "rehome" some....... OH WELL..... all else is well, Next time we all go to the auction(or elsewhere) I promise I'll be more talkative
To end a wonderful day I ended up cooking some fried squash! A friend was asking me how I make it because she doesn't like squash any way she has made it before. I ended up eating a whole squash while I was taking pictures and adding it to the blog. LOL

Lukes, I saw you but didn't have a chance to introduce myself. I think you need to change how you describe yourself...I didn't see "city boy" at ALL.
Sorry about all of your roosters.

I finally split up the hens like I want. The BCM has 1 BCM hen, 1 cuckoo hen, 2 RIR, and 1 psycho game hen.

The 4 Delawares hens and the Barnevelder pullet are all together. I have to keep them away from my RACIST BCM rooster. He is highly aggressive with white hens. Ugh

Hoping to get another barnevelder rooster soon. Might be sending my rooster to freezer camp and replacing him with a rooster a little older that hopefully isn't racist. LOL
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To end a wonderful day I ended up cooking some fried squash! A friend was asking me how I make it because she doesn't like squash any way she has made it before. I ended up eating a whole squash while I was taking pictures and adding it to the blog. LOL

Lukes, I saw you but didn't have a chance to introduce myself. I think you need to change how you describe yourself...I didn't see "city boy" at ALL.
Sorry about all of your roosters.
HT, what kind of persimmons? Hunter is looking to add some this year.

You guess is as good as mine, the trees where here before we were. When we where clearing the land they were two if the handful we kept because they weren't toxic to horses or those thorny wild pear trees.
They do produce some really nice fruit every year.
You guess is as good as mine, the trees where here before we were. When we where clearing the land they were two if the handful we kept because they weren't toxic to horses or those thorny wild pear trees.
They do produce some really nice fruit every year.

He said probably american type. are the fruits small? maybe apricot sized?
are you looking to sell them or just rehome?

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