North Carolina

I will if it aint raining, don't know if they will have a rain date or not
Yep Yep... Godwins it was

Is anyone going to the Flock Swap in Fayetteville?

I think I might talk the hubby into taking me...
HA, 20 eggs today! Considering the age of most of my hens that ain't to bad. I have got to quick getting attached to birds and keeping them into retirement years.

Good Wednesday Morning Everyone.
Weather this morning is fair which is good, right?? I read that we will not be having a weed or bug issue this spring because of the mild winter; however, due to all the rain, we are suppose to have a mosquito problem. Hmm...don't we already HAVE a mosquito problem?? LOL What do I know? I am a Yankee transplant trying to make a country girl out of myself!!

Today is a busy day around here...DD is already up (she is yelling at her stuffed animals to "get down") which is good because we have her check up today.
She's growing SO FAST...where is the pause button?? That is a 45 minute drive, so we will spend more time on the road getting there and back than actually IN the doctor's office. Oh well, I pass a few places that I am required to stop at each time I head that TSC and Walmart, Target and various other little shops!! I have to make it an outing!! Thus it will be a busy day. Haha.

Hope everyone has a great day!! dlockey - NICE coop!! Great job!!
I'll be at the flock swap. I can call James and see if he has anything planned about the rain date...
All is well here, I've been meaning to take pictures to update everyone but can't find the time between work and more chickens than I actually need!!!!!
pictures to follow
I'll be at the flock swap. I can call James and see if he has anything planned about the rain date...
All is well here, I've been meaning to take pictures to update everyone but can't find the time between work and more chickens than I actually need!!!!!
pictures to follow


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