North Carolina's Monday!!
Hope everyone is adjusting to DST already, I know I am not!! LOL. Saw that it was relatively quiet yesterday - can't blame you was absolutely gorgeous out!! We are suppose to be in for a week of beautiful weather (although I did see rain in the forecast for tomorrow) so that gives me hope that lots of planting/building/playing will be done. DH and I are planning to clean out the coop this week - since the weather is suppose to be warm, if I can find a place with enough shavings to cover the coop floor! I think we bought 10-15 bags over the course of a few months, but it is time for a good clean out!!
Shoveling chicken poop...a smelly job that must be done, right?? Hehe...good thing this year I can use the excuse I am too pregnant. I wonder if I can start timing my pregnancies so at least for the next few years that is my excuse and by then DH will be so use to doing it himself...I won't have to do it!!
Okay, maybe not, they are "MY" chickens after all!!

Anything good at WCA?? Anyone go??

Congrats on all that you were able to sell & do HT!! I don't know if I want to see the fruits of your gardening labors...they might make me jealous!! I planted my peppers indoors and I am so sad...NOTHING has sprouted!! My tomatoes are sprouting, my herbs are sprouting, my broccoli (which were VERY old seeds and were not expected to sprout) sprouted...but no peppers. I shall be one very VERY sad girl if I don't get any peppers to sprout/grow. Thus your success will make me even more jealous!! LOL

Dlockey -
I am so sorry for your losses!! I have no advice that has not already been given and have not personally experienced any predator problems (yet) so I cannot speak from experience. I am hoping things turn out for the best for you!!
Good Morning!

Some please give me back my hour
I am tired and it is still dark. I don't care for this at all right now. !

dlockey......... agree with all above. Get some chicken wire and top that pen. Sorry for your loss

ML.... pulled 16 duds from out under the broody Muscovy. I left her 3 duds. I have some eggs in the incubator that I will give her. They are not Muscovy but better then have her sit all this time for nothing. I am going to put her in a pen so nothing or no one can bother her.
Monday. And my week off was last week, so it was back to work for me this morning. Sigh. It was awfully dark driving in today. I left before the chickens got up. Not a crow to be heard. At least it will still be light out when I get home this afternoon. And hubby is filling all the automatic feeders for everyone before he leaves on a business trip today, so my care load will be less this week as I re-adjust to DST.

I really want to go back to bed. Now.
Sounds like a good plan, now don't forget the pics when they hatch..

Good Morning!

Some please give me back my hour
I am tired and it is still dark. I don't care for this at all right now. !

dlockey......... agree with all above. Get some chicken wire and top that pen. Sorry for your loss

ML.... pulled 16 duds from out under the broody Muscovy. I left her 3 duds. I have some eggs in the incubator that I will give her. They are not Muscovy but better then have her sit all this time for nothing. I am going to put her in a pen so nothing or no one can bother her.
Hollow: I kept getting offers on the buttercups but no one wanted to actually take them so I ended up trading them for 14 dominique chicks(hatchery sexed hens) but I found a roo in there =)
I was a busy man yesterday, finally got all the chicks out of the house on friday and then 24 just come about! chicken math is terrible
built a new coop for the EE's I got from beth a while back(which are HUGE now). built a seperate pen for the ameracauna's, and started on a new summer time outside brooder for the chicks! back to my deskjob this morning and I'm excited about DST because it won't be dark when I get home anymore=)
Good morning everyone! Happy monday! Hope everyone is adjusting to dst ok... :p
Been a while since I was on here last, had some great and not-so-great changes these last couple weeks. Too much all at once for me, really. We traded in a vehicle for a better one, I gave in to the cute EE chicks at tsc (shhh....dont tell dh... They currently blend in with the ones I have in the brooder) and we started on our veggie gardens, and got my greens and onion sets planted, yay! The not so great.... My redbone coonhound that dh and I have had since before we were married passed suddenly this past tuesday morning.... He developed bloat in his stomach and it rotated on itself. I had him at the vet (alone)and had to deal with it all myself. That was the most heart-breaking experience EVER. :(

For those who buy/sell at the wca: do you need the poultry license to bring birds? Is it worth the trip (maybe 45 mins to hour for me) for about 40 chicks? I have ees hatching on saturday, and craigslist isn't too quick on the turn over for chicks here lately.

Anyone raise turkeys? I want to raise a few for thanksgiving and christmas. Any tips/experiences welcome. :)
Good morning everyone! Happy monday! Hope everyone is adjusting to dst ok...

Been a while since I was on here last, had some great and not-so-great changes these last couple weeks. Too much all at once for me, really. We traded in a vehicle for a better one, I gave in to the cute EE chicks at tsc (shhh....dont tell dh... They currently blend in with the ones I have in the brooder) and we started on our veggie gardens, and got my greens and onion sets planted, yay! The not so great.... My redbone coonhound that dh and I have had since before we were married passed suddenly this past tuesday morning.... He developed bloat in his stomach and it rotated on itself. I had him at the vet (alone)and had to deal with it all myself. That was the most heart-breaking experience EVER.

For those who buy/sell at the wca: do you need the poultry license to bring birds? Is it worth the trip (maybe 45 mins to hour for me) for about 40 chicks? I have ees hatching on saturday, and craigslist isn't too quick on the turn over for chicks here lately.
Anyone raise turkeys? I want to raise a few for thanksgiving and christmas. Any tips/experiences welcome.

So sorry about your dog
I have been in the same position before so I know just have horrible it can be, alone having to make that decision.

WCA you do not need any license the auction/auctioneers are the median for your sales. It is definitely worth the trip, especially with chicks this time of year. Seperate them in boxes of 10 you should come out making a good bit of change. Its a 1.5 hr trip for me and I go out to see whats for sale, sale my extra birds, and just enjoy/waste my day. LOL its worth it.
Hollow: I kept getting offers on the buttercups but no one wanted to actually take them so I ended up trading them for 14 dominique chicks(hatchery sexed hens) but I found a roo in there =)
I was a busy man yesterday, finally got all the chicks out of the house on friday and then 24 just come about! chicken math is terrible
built a new coop for the EE's I got from beth a while back(which are HUGE now). built a seperate pen for the ameracauna's, and started on a new summer time outside brooder for the chicks! back to my deskjob this morning and I'm excited about DST because it won't be dark when I get home anymore=)

One day I'll have to see where you're putting all these birds! You're right; you do need more land, no matter where you are! What are you going to do with the roo? Sorry you didn't get any outright buyers on those lovely buttercups, but sounds like you got a good chicken math swap! If I hadn't decided to stick to Orpingtons, I'd have been sorely tempted. They were gorgeous!

Chris and I enjoyed meeting you two at the swap. My hubby liked all the down-to-earth folk there. We'll be back. Well, I'd be back without him in any case, but I'm glad he's also interested.
One day I'll have to see where you're putting all these birds! You're right; you do need more land, no matter where you are! What are you going to do with the roo? Sorry you didn't get any outright buyers on those lovely buttercups, but sounds like you got a good chicken math swap! If I hadn't decided to stick to Orpingtons, I'd have been sorely tempted. They were gorgeous!

Chris and I enjoyed meeting you two at the swap. My hubby liked all the down-to-earth folk there. We'll be back. Well, I'd be back without him in any case, but I'm glad he's also interested.
We also enjoyed chatting with you!
I have a few plans for the roo, which i must decide(not anytime soon tho) I either keep him and a few of then hens and go for hatching eggs or sell?!?!?
I swear if I had more room I'd be happier but then if I had more room I'd have a million more chickens than I already do!

I'm selling off about 8-10 of those dominique hens if anyone is interested you can PM for more details!

and I guess I met "3chickensinNC" and didn't even realize it....OOPS

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