North Carolina

We also enjoyed chatting with you!
I have a few plans for the roo, which i must decide(not anytime soon tho) I either keep him and a few of then hens and go for hatching eggs or sell?!?!?
I swear if I had more room I'd be happier but then if I had more room I'd have a million more chickens than I already do!

I'm selling off about 8-10 of those dominique hens if anyone is interested you can PM for more details!

and I guess I met "3chickensinNC" and didn't even realize it....OOPS
Sounds like you have the chicken math down pat..
We also enjoyed chatting with you!
I have a few plans for the roo, which i must decide(not anytime soon tho) I either keep him and a few of then hens and go for hatching eggs or sell?!?!?
I swear if I had more room I'd be happier but then if I had more room I'd have a million more chickens than I already do!

I'm selling off about 8-10 of those dominique hens if anyone is interested you can PM for more details!

and I guess I met "3chickensinNC" and didn't even realize it....OOPS


I was there. I was in a purpl tie dye shirt, blonde hair. Had the other two chickens with me as well; my little boy and dh
Hope everyone had a good weekend! I'm hoping to use this week to finish up the coop and run.
A few more coats of paint and deciding on what to cover the roof with....I can't decide! I put the frame for the run together this morning and planning to get the rest this afternoon. My chicks are a month old tomorrow so we are getting closer to finding out who stays and who goes!
Anyonw in the Haywood County area have an Easter Egger hen that lays the blue colored eggs that they'd be willing to sell? Been search CL for a week or so without any luck. Thx

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