North Carolina

Ya thats the thing.
I go to animal control and find dogs homes as the lady does not put them up or anything and they complain they have to put dogs down
Anyway I was there getting some pictures of there new dogs and he walked in. He said he called when she was born and told the guy he was going to kill her. They talked him into waiting and giving the dog a chance. The mom got out and this was not a planned litter but he has all his other pits bred and is waiting for the pups
So he dropped her off, and told them he has been feeding her dry food!! Her poor legs are bowed and it looks like she has never walked before it took her a bit at first she was just dragging her back legs. You could see all the dirt under he nails where she had been digging or something

Yeah it's the same here allabout.
I never get puppies though. That poor little baby. Why was there just the one?
x2 to the bird brain that left her outside. Grrrrr makes me so mad.

I'm sorry BHep
but I have to dissagre with your comment, it's an insult to the birds. Birds have more brain than that guy....

x3 from me as well.

Your right...I just didn't want to cuss on here...
I'm sorry BHep
but I have to dissagre with your comment, it's an insult to the birds. Birds have more brain than that guy....

x3 from me as well.

Your right...I just didn't want to cuss on here...

It makes me so angry, how people just don't care
Good morning one and all!!

Our baby silkies are growing well, it seems amazing it was a week ago they started pipping and hatching.... All growing well, even our "little one" is now growing quickly and eating well.........
BHep:Glad to hear it!

Gavin: I am glad that your little one is doing better. They do grow up fast

Good morning everyone had a pretty good night with the new pup she only got up once to be fed. We think she still has all that dry food in her system
The weather said that the temps are going to be in the 50's
Maybe spring will come early?

Sorry had to fix a word
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What a sweet picture, I hope she doesn't have distemper. Let us know what you find out "allabout" be thinking about you &her. Bless you for taking her in.... some people

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