North Carolina

Thanks for the chicks! The new duck is getting along okay with everyone, the older duck's silkie "bodyguard" is suspicious of the newcomer... We"ll have to see how tomorrow goes. One day at a time!
CS, keep them over there! As much trouble as people are having with fleas and ticks this year...and I expected to have, with no winter....I have seen exactly one flea, and I had to flea comb the puppy to find it, trying to figure out why he was chewing on himself..None on the older Boys. Never seen one on the cat. Haven't seen a single tick this year, but those are rare here anyway. I've found two in nine years here.

On the other hand...the fire ants are about to run us off the property!

Good Morning everyone! The critters are fed, happy, and all accounted for!

This evening we will redo bands on all the young ones, round up the extra cockerels and move them to their own pen. I've got EE pullets coming in tomorrow. Tomorrow night we can band and disburse the adults (finally!) between the three pens. Then the new pullets can go to their respective pens. Then I'll be all set up! Finally! Yay!

Well...sorta. There's a few birds I still want, and I've been informed that it will be easier to get what I want before I do the NPIP thing than afterwards. So I'll be wanting some pretty laced Wyandotte pullets, gold and silver, and some brown Leghorn pullets if anyone has any. Pretty LF birds that will lay large eggs, for my egg pen...that's what I want. So...whatcha got???
well went outside to find my jersey giant eaten
i had looked everywhere for months to find some young girls for my lone rooster, finally found some this last weekend, got them home sunday afternoon, went out this morning to find them all dead
and id just come up with names for them. why why why do the stupid predators have to go after the birds i want so bad
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well went outside to find my jersey giant eaten
i had looked everywhere for months to find some young girls for my lone rooster, finally found some this last weekend, got them home sunday afternoon, went out this morning to find them all dead
and id just come up with names for them. why why why do the stupid predators have to go after the birds i want so bad

I am so very sorry.
well went outside to find my jersey giant eaten
i had looked everywhere for months to find some young girls for my lone rooster, finally found some this last weekend, got them home sunday afternoon, went out this morning to find them all dead
and id just come up with names for them. why why why do the stupid predators have to go after the birds i want so bad
I'm so sorry. I went through the same thing a couple weeks ago with my new Marans. and the foxes. Why THOSE birds? Seems they never get the ones you don't care about; just the special ones.
So sorry for your loss.

well went outside to find my jersey giant eaten
i had looked everywhere for months to find some young girls for my lone rooster, finally found some this last weekend, got them home sunday afternoon, went out this morning to find them all dead
and id just come up with names for them. why why why do the stupid predators have to go after the birds i want so bad

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