North Carolina

well went outside to find my jersey giant eaten
i had looked everywhere for months to find some young girls for my lone rooster, finally found some this last weekend, got them home sunday afternoon, went out this morning to find them all dead
and id just come up with names for them. why why why do the stupid predators have to go after the birds i want so bad
so sorry wild
I also found another rooster attacked this morning through the slats on the wood pen. 2nd time this spring. Takin one of my dogs and a shotgun up to the coop for keepings. Not as many farmers as there once was and the preditor population is increasing exponentially. Sorry wild for your loss.
Thank you for you support. Not exactly sure what got them :idunno they were picked clean, only things left uneaten were the neck & head and the wings & feet. The cage was 4x6 with 1” hardware wire all the way around and wood slats, but its crushed, wood slats ripped away and wire pulled away from the frame. Any ideas on predator?
Thank you for you support. Not exactly sure what got them
they were picked clean, only things left uneaten were the neck & head and the wings & feet. The cage was 4x6 with 1” hardware wire all the way around and wood slats, but its crushed, wood slats ripped away and wire pulled away from the frame. Any ideas on predator?
Something big and hungry. Bear? They are all across the state.
It was something of considerable strength. Not a fox,mink, possom, or coon. Had to have been a dog or cyote. How far away was the pen from home, another dog? Mines necks was mostly damaged. Lost most hackle feathers. Last month it tore the stag up so bad I had to keep him inside in a box and feed him by hand for 2 weeks. His neck was either broke or bad damaged. He could not even pick his head up. Couldn't crow for a month. He has recoverd his wounds but still crows funny.
It was something of considerable strength. Not a fox,mink, possom, or coon. Had to have been a dog or cyote. How far away was the pen from home, another dog? Mines necks was mostly damaged. Lost most hackle feathers. Last month it tore the stag up so bad I had to keep him inside in a box and feed him by hand for 2 weeks. His neck was either broke or bad damaged. He could not even pick his head up. Couldn't crow for a month. He has recoverd his wounds but still crows funny.

The pen doesn't even sit 30ft from the house. It had to be something bold enough to eat within 20ft of 4 large dogs! Unfortunately it poured rain all morning so all tracks are gone. But I'm thinking bear. Like Hollow said they are everywhere and I'm only 3 miles from a lake and lots of mountians. Gonna let the big dogs run loose tonight.
The pen doesn't even sit 30ft from the house. It had to be something bold enough to eat within 20ft of 4 large dogs! Unfortunately it poured rain all morning so all tracks are gone. But I'm thinking bear. Like Hollow said they are everywhere and I'm only 3 miles from a lake and lots of mountians. Gonna let the big dogs run loose tonight.
a friend of mine lives over towards asheville and they had a bear in their coop,broke right through and killed their chickens, a sow with 4 cubs. Loads of bear activity this year, kinda scary considering they are primarily herbivores.
a friend of mine lives over towards asheville and they had a bear in their coop,broke right through and killed their chickens, a sow with 4 cubs. Loads of bear activity this year, kinda scary considering they are primarily herbivores.
We live in Burnsville and had a bear visit us about 3 weeks ago tore the fence down and destroyed the bid feeder which i forgot to bring in, then this past week had one tear the fence down in a different place and boldly come down right to the house and get the bird feeder which i forgot again [no more] though this was around 9:00pm next morning about 5:30 he is standing in our driveway right by my car . which is parked right next to the house, needless to say the lights are being left on around the coops this was at least 300 lb. male. then he goes back up the hill and proceeds to come back into the fenced area through where he tore the fence down. I am thankful he didn't tear more down. I love bears and wildlife in general but just thinking about what something that large could do to my coops even though they are built well was very scary. Their very hungry right now food is scarce till the berries start coming in. So sorry about your hens Wild

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