North Carolina

Okay, Good Morning Happy People!

Thankfully I got to sleep in today! Aside from feeding, all I have to do today is an 8:00 vet appointment for Levi, and pick up the sheep if they're done with them. The rest is my time for a couple errands...and maybe some housework since it got neglected during the warm spell.

Tomorrow I should start seeing some pipping and zipping! Can't wait!

Enjoy your day!
Good Morning chicken people. I sure would like to know what is up with this yo-yo weather!! It was cold yesterday, suppose to be in the 70's today and up and down the rest of the week! CRAZY!!

I have NO idea how old my chicks are (I forgot to write that down...oops!!), but one I am going to have to name Houdini even though it's a girl, because she has yet again escaped this morning and was sitting next to the brooder box. Makes me wonder if she's cold or just missing "home".

<sigh> I put off grocery shopping yesterday because everyone wanted to nap (because they HAD to get up at 6am) at 10 and didn't wake up until after noon!! By the time everyone was fed, dressed and ready to go it was 2:00 and I just didn't have it in me to run to the store (45mins away), hurry up and shop and then race home to fix dinner. Oh well...I will go today....UNLESS someone agrees to go for me!! LOL

Have a great day everyone!!

Wild - hang in there!! I can tell you that I STILL don't sleep well (when I am pregnant); however, with me each time I am WIDE awake (the current time to be up and ready to go is 3am) has usually been the time when my baby would wake up and eat the most early on. I always felt it was God's way of preparing you in advanced, so you wouldn't feel AS sleep-deprived. Sleep when the mood hits you (if you can) and don't worry about the rest. My youngest was a night owl and thankfully I was well adjusted before she came!! It's amazing what our bodies can do and still go on! I also agree about the notebook idea - especially if mommy brain starts to set in!! That's where you start to forget EVERYTHING...LOL.
We're praying for you!! Hang in there!!

ETA: wow...I can't spell today!!
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YAY AB.....hatching any dorkings ?

NH...chicks hatched 11/7.

WIld..Take that nap today

And I am off to take LadyBug to get spayed.
Wish me luck..the beast has never been outside the barnyard since she is 6 weeks old. She is 7 month old now and big and powerful and DUMB !!! I have the XL crate already in the van.
She escaped the barnyard 1st time ever last night, just plowed right through the fence.

And speaking of escapes....I see 2 Muscovy coming up to the porch.


ETA: and one rouge rooster.
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Have fun
:clap   YAY  AB.....hatching any dorkings ? :drool

NH...chicks hatched 11/7. 

WIld..Take that nap today  :hugs

And I am off to take LadyBug to get spayed.  :rolleyes:   Wish me luck..the beast has never been outside the barnyard since she is 6 weeks old. She is 7 month old now and big and powerful and  DUMB !!!   I have the XL crate already in the van.
She escaped the barnyard 1st time ever last night, just plowed right through the fence.  :barnie

And speaking of escapes....I see 2 Muscovy coming up to the porch.  :barnie    :barnie


ETA:  and one rouge rooster.  :he
Have fun at the vet! Levi got a vet trip for second shots today, and behaved very nicely. 8 1/2 weeks, and 26.2 pounds. He's growing fast!
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Not to scare you, and maybe its just me or the way the pics look on my phone, but most of those look to be boys
hope I'm wrong.

I hope not
they were guaranteed girls

IDK...Looks like boys to me. The top picture, the white a boy. The second picture, looks like 3 boys, the black and white ones. Where did you get the???

You need too get with doublea, she has EE pullets.

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