North Carolina

I have my first chicks ever reaching 13 weeks today. I went to the feed store and asked for an inbetween from medicated starter and layer. They looked at me like I was crazy. I dont get it?! I read all of these post that say there should be a inbetween feed. I am running out of room in the shed fast and these girls are going to have to go into the big coop next week. I have seen a few people say they would be ok on the layer, but Im not too sure about that. If I had some grower feed I would just put that into the big coop for the next month and let my big girls and little girls eat it both. However then I started reading about eggs getting thin and breaking inside the chicken could be bad and this is caused from not enough protein in the food. Wheeeew Im getting a little stressed at this point and ready to just throw my hands up and say f_ _k it! I dont want little kidneys and livers getting damaged but everywhere I go these feed stores look at me like Im being overly worried. Ladies and Gents I just dont know.
Eek.. Being new to this my peeps are 5 weeks old today. I have five chicks. It's been in the 80's all last week and they've gone out during the day. Well this week it's low of 40's high of 60's. Can they still go outside? My brahma still has fuzz (I'm guessing they are slow to mature?) my other four (red star, BR, EE, Black Australorp) have lots of feathers.
I have my first chicks ever reaching 13 weeks today. I went to the feed store and asked for an inbetween from medicated starter and layer. They looked at me like I was crazy. I dont get it?! I read all of these post that say there should be a inbetween feed. I am running out of room in the shed fast and these girls are going to have to go into the big coop next week. I have seen a few people say they would be ok on the layer, but Im not too sure about that. If I had some grower feed I would just put that into the big coop for the next month and let my big girls and little girls eat it both. However then I started reading about eggs getting thin and breaking inside the chicken could be bad and this is caused from not enough protein in the food. Wheeeew Im getting a little stressed at this point and ready to just throw my hands up and say f_ _k it! I dont want little kidneys and livers getting damaged but everywhere I go these feed stores look at me like Im being overly worried. Ladies and Gents I just dont know.
I don't use a medicated feed, but that is for a different thread. I do use Carolina Pride Starter-Grower crumbles and the label says to feed it to your pullets up to seventeen weeks of age. I feed it until they start laying and then change over to layer with oyster shell and grit on the side. But other people will do things different that work for them, This is what works for me.
Don't stress out so much about what they eat, chickens are a hardy lot overall.

my three new polish girls :love just gotta think of names for them :D



Eek.. Being new to this my peeps are 5 weeks old today. I have five chicks. It's been in the 80's all last week and they've gone out during the day. Well this week it's low of 40's high of 60's. Can they still go outside? My brahma still has fuzz (I'm guessing they are slow to mature?) my other four (red star, BR, EE, Black Australorp) have lots of feathers.
Eek.. Being new to this my peeps are 5 weeks old today. I have five chicks. It's been in the 80's all last week and they've gone out during the day. Well this week it's low of 40's high of 60's. Can they still go outside? My brahma still has fuzz (I'm guessing they are slow to mature?) my other four (red star, BR, EE, Black Australorp) have lots of feathers.

I have quite a few chicks about that age. I might let them hang out during the hot part of the day (12 to 4) but not much after or before that. Especiallt if they haven't feathered yet
Hi, I'm in WNC (Marion area) - does anyone know of any feed mills or good feed stores in this area other than Tractor Supply or local hardware?

I am about half a mile off I-40 exit 94.

Belle Farm off I-40 exit 96(kathy rd) is the best stocked Feed and Seed around. I get all my seeds, shavings, and other items from them. I don't usually buy feed there anymore. I get my cracked corn and Southern States All Grain Laying Pellets at Gragg Farm Supply. That is a few miles north of Morganton. It is 3.3 miles down Henderson Mill Rd off 181.

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