North Carolina

[COLOR=008000]Good morning folks  :frow [/COLOR]

[COLOR=008000]the end of another week and ever so close to[/COLOR]
[COLOR=008000]the summer break that I love's[/COLOR]
[COLOR=008000]kinda like a mini retirement each year but I do[/COLOR]
[COLOR=008000]find it harder and harder each year to return in[/COLOR]
[COLOR=008000]August. Sounds odd but I need to get busy on[/COLOR]
[COLOR=008000]some Christmas shopping too  :lau [/COLOR]

[COLOR=008000]hope everyone has a good day  :yiipchick [/COLOR]

Are you a teacher? Meee toooooo!
there is also something.....something pox.... that causes white spots to appear on combs....
I was just looking at this the other day, it's called fowl pox. But it's more these big white warts everywhere, this one looks more like scabs....

Hello . Do yall know were any small animal auctions are. im in the Montgomery area. I know about the one in Lexington on wed. Thanks....
CAREFUL of chicken auctions!!!
I learned that the hard way, almost lost my entire flock this week!
Just make sure you have a REALLY GOOD quarantine, not just a seperate pen/coop/feeders in another area of the yard, because that's what I did and ALL my birds ended up sick.
And the ones I brought home looked really healthy, no one had symptoms until after a week of getting here.

Just don't want to see anyone else go through what I did!
I was just looking at this the other day, it's called fowl pox. But it's more these big white warts everywhere, this one looks more like scabs....

CAREFUL of chicken auctions!!!
I learned that the hard way, almost lost my entire flock this week!
Just make sure you have a REALLY GOOD quarantine, not just a seperate pen/coop/feeders in another area of the yard, because that's what I did and ALL my birds ended up sick.
And the ones I brought home looked really healthy, no one had symptoms until after a week of getting here.

Just don't want to see anyone else go through what I did!
Thanks for the info. Yea I know they only take mostly the ones they done want are that are sick. but a lot of the time you find good ones. My kids really love them. I do too.
Good evening, all! Anyone else have some seriously crazy chickens today? Maybe because it was hot all day, and there is a possibility of rain? My oh my! They just about ate my whole hand off trying to get to the mealworms. Nevermind strpping all over one another and sqwaking! Feisty little hennies!

And my chicken watchers: Piper & Bella

I see Piper and Bella get to watch from afar. Are they a problem like mine? My dachshunds - well, Timmy anyway, Molly is kinda lazy - would just snatch a bird as quickly as he could. It's why we can't hatch eggs at my house...we'd never be able to keep them safe!
Yeah... I am thinking they would snatch a chicken up in a second! We are looking in to alternatives so that we can let them all be in the yard together. Here soon we are going to fence in our yard, and plan to free range the chickens. I would like to be able to let the dogs out as well. One of our neighbors just got a new puppy and I am thinking it is a pit, it is going to be a large dog -- and I will not have it in my yard preying on my little yappers or peckers! Gotta keep em all safe!

DISCLAIMER: I have NOTHING against pitbull dogs. They too can be very sweet dogs :) I am a pet LOVER, no doubt!
This looks easy enough! so you don't have any garden hose piece, or turn off valve - you just have the PVC on an angle. Right? I could do that, and the bucket is outside -- PERFECT! I wondered where the other end of the PVC lead to? Just attached further down? I may have to try this, this weekend! Thanks again
No hose or anything. Just the PVC pipe with a 'elbow' attached to the bucket. He did put something on the outside of the bucket around the PVC pipe to seal it so it wouldn't leak. He just put a cap on the other end of the pipe. Hope it works for you, let me know :) Here is the link I got the idea from, it has more instructions :)

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