North Carolina

Hi Melodie!  I love your avatar - too cute!  Did you float away today?

Just about! My poor chickens have one corner of their run that has water up past their knees (well where their knees would be if they had knees!) of course that is where they stand to wait for treats, lined up in the water. Silly chickens, the whole rest if the run and coop is dry but they stand in the water... Maybe I need to buy them some floaties and a snorkel. :)

That was crazy rain today!
... Maybe I need to buy them some floaties and a snorkel.

That was crazy rain today!
LOL! Thankfully my run is on a gentle hill that continues quite a ways after the run ends so the water doesn't build up. I have an empty run (waiting for babies) that does get wet during times like these.
I am not sure how much rain we had, but I emptied the gauge when it was overflowing at 9 am and dumped another 3" this afternoon. It holds 5" but may have had some in it from the last rain. Everyone who is old enough to be allowed out stayed out all day. As cute and entertaining as they are, poor things just 'aint all that smart.
Eggs due Sunday. These are eggs I picked up at Chickenstock. Set 21 Standard size eggs in the Suro 20 on May 19. Took the bator off the turning cradle Thursday. I just now candled through and removed the dividers to lay the eggs down. Removed 3 eggs. Saw movement in alot of the Polish eggs and some in a few of the Faverolle eggs. I could not candle the 6 Marans eggs. I tried, but need my good light to see anything. This LED was great for all the other eggs, but will not even show the aircell in these dark Marans eggs.

Rain, rain go away.....Anyone know where I can find rhodebar in NC? Eggs or chicks....have a 6week old roo who will need some girlfriends

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