North Carolina


The first time my girls were allowed to free range (only did 40 min at dusk) but in the pic it looks like they're trying to figure out which bike they'd like to ride.
Good Morning Everyone!! Please catch me up... I have heard about the WCA, but haven't been. I am not going today as I just have too much to do. I used to think is was "just" an auction but I am starting to think otherwise. What makes it special? Is it volume? Quality? What are typical things that people sell? Any info would be great.
Good Morning Everyone!! Please catch me up... I have heard about the WCA, but haven't been. I am not going today as I just have too much to do. I used to think is was "just" an auction but I am starting to think otherwise. What makes it special? Is it volume? Quality? What are typical things that people sell? Any info would be great.

It is a small animal auction. Mostly chickens, but also other feathered critters and small furry beasts. Like goats, rabbits, pigs other rodents etc. Once a month they have a livestock equipment auction.

We use WCA as a social get together.
Good Morning Everyone!!  Please catch me up... I have heard about the WCA, but haven't been.  I am not going today as I just have too much to do.  I used to think is was "just" an auction but I am starting to think otherwise.  What makes it special?  Is it volume?  Quality?  What are typical things that people sell?  Any info would be great. 

It is a small animal auction. Mostly chickens, but also other feathered critters and small furry beasts. Like goats, rabbits, pigs other rodents etc.  Once a month they have a livestock equipment auction.   

We use WCA as a social get together.  :D
Yup. Right now it IS my social outlet!
Hope everyone has/had a good time at WCA!!

Just popped on to ask those of you "expert" duck owners a few questions. I *THINK* we have a broody duck!!
She made a HUGE "nest" in the nesting box with the shavings and what looks like down. She was off when I checked this AM - but then again, I had just let everyone out and replenished feed, so I am sure she was grabbing her "fair share". This afternoon, she was content and sitting. Since this is my FIRST EVER broody duck...what all do I need to know? Are ducks mean broodies? I need to look under her because I am fairly certain she is also sitting on some chicken eggs. LOL. What is the incubation period for ducks? Is it the same as chickens? Should I move her in a few days like we do for the chickens, or let her go right where she is?? How many eggs is a "reasonable" amount for her to hatch?!? (I have collected the eggs from the past few days not realizing she was attempting to sit....I was thinking of giving them back to her)...then...after they hatch, how do you sex ducks? Okay...just PLEASE HELP!! LOL
Hope everyone has/had a good time at WCA!!  

Just popped on to ask those of you "expert" duck owners a few questions.  I *THINK* we have a broody duck!!  :celebrate   She made a HUGE "nest" in the nesting box with the shavings and what looks like down.  She was off when I checked this AM - but then again, I had just let everyone out and replenished feed, so I am sure she was grabbing her "fair share".  This afternoon, she was content and sitting.  Since this is my FIRST EVER broody duck...what all do I need to know?  Are ducks mean broodies?  I need to look under her because I am fairly certain she is also sitting on some chicken eggs.  LOL.  What is the incubation period for ducks?  Is it the same as chickens?  Should I move her in a few days like we do for the chickens, or let her go right where she is??  How many eggs is a "reasonable" amount for her to hatch?!?  (I have collected the eggs from the past few days not realizing she was attempting to sit....I was thinking of giving them back to her)...then...after they hatch, how do you sex ducks?  Okay...just PLEASE HELP!!  LOL

hey i jave had ducks or around ten years and also have one broody now it is best to seperate her and depending on the duck tamer ones will run off and come back later if u approach them my 2 blue swedish hens are sharing 22 eggs in the same nest they pretty know much know how to handle things it takes 28 days and u should definetly seperate anything that hatches and isbt a duck lol they go straight for the water dont feed them oatmeal or rice it will swell in their bellies and bloat them to death any other questions let me know and good luck they r adorable oh and watch out for ants and turtles if they go in wild ponds tbey will kill them

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