North Carolina

Yay! Keep me posted! Where is Faison? We are in Greensboro...

I am in Belews Creek - we are maybe 15-20 minutes from Greensboro. My rhodebar hens should start laying anytime! They are very friendly and will come up to us to see what we are doing. I really like them. My rhodebar rooster is a little more skittish but he sure is pretty.
Who bought what????? DETAILS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and pics
Good morning folks

Well it's the last day of school here in Cumberland County

and I must admit I am ready for a break to recoup and
to get some things done around the house that I have
let go over the winter. It makes no sense to me as to why
they made the last day of school on a Monday but maybe
that will mean a lot of the kids may stay home

this also mean nearly 500 school buses will be returning
to the storage field today and the traffic is going to be
a mess there this afternoon so avoid the field if you can

hope your day is a good one
hey i jave had ducks or around ten years and also have one broody now it is best to seperate her and depending on the duck tamer ones will run off and come back later if u approach them my 2 blue swedish hens are sharing 22 eggs in the same nest they pretty know much know how to handle things it takes 28 days and u should definetly seperate anything that hatches and isbt a duck lol they go straight for the water dont feed them oatmeal or rice it will swell in their bellies and bloat them to death any other questions let me know and good luck they r adorable oh and watch out for ants and turtles if they go in wild ponds tbey will kill them
Thank you SO much!! I'm a bit nervous because she did hop off her nest last night (it's been warm enough, so no worries there) and I found only 1 egg under her, the rest were chicken eggs!! LOL. I took the chicken eggs away from her and gave her back some more duck eggs (not sure what the fertility rate is on those eggs as...well...I have never seen our drake WITH her personally, but have seen him with the other two ladies. She is very sweet, but skittish, so I am going to have to see what I can do for a quiet area for her to lay...first I am going to give her a day or two to make SURE she's broody. The bonus with that is I get a few days to figure out what to do, as my "broody pen/quarantine pen" is currently in use by mama and her 6 chicks!! I think they should be old enough to mingle with the flock, but I don't know about sleeping arrangements IN the coop for them...I guess we'll see. LOL You mentioned oatmeal & rice...what about precooked oatmeal & rice? Our drake LOVES the leftover cooked oatmeal...I usually allow him to have it as a treat (when my girls don't finish all of theirs) and he shares it with his ladies!! Are you speaking largely of uncooked? No turtles to worry about here (that I know of...LOL), but we do have a TON of fire ants!! We have a "little" kiddie pool so I "think" they should be safe there...once I get DH to build a ramp or something to make sure they can actually get IN the water!
I do hope she stays broody!! One last do you sex them?? (something that would be good to know...JUST in case) LOL
What's that?? DH NEEDS to build me another coop, I KNOW!! I need one JUST for ducks/other fowl and one for poultry!! LOL

Have a great day everyone... Those of you whose school is out or ending...ENJOY your summer vacation!!
Good Morning, Happy Chicken People!

WCA was, as Beth said, hot. Way too hot for the birds. I left before they were finished.

CSB, congratulations on finishing the school year. Enjoy your summer!

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