North Carolina

Hello does anyone around Greensboro have showgirls, frizzle showgirls, sultans, or bearded d'anvar bantams for sale.
Not that I don't adore you all, but looking for another interesting thread on here for when I'm overcome with insomnia (which is quite often!)
The ones I've come across have been rather boring compared to you guys.
Anyone have any suggestions on other threads they are active on and like?

Oh I did stumble upon one that was role playing as wolves. This was new for me. There were like 200 pages of this ongoing story and dialogue between all these people portraying their alter-egos as wolves. Pretty interesting, not my thing, actually I didn't even know it was a thing? From skimming through it they were all really into it though, it was almost like a book.
Not that I don't adore you all, but looking for another interesting thread on here for when I'm overcome with insomnia (which is quite often!)
The ones I've come across have been rather boring compared to you guys.
Anyone have any suggestions on other threads they are active on and like?

Oh I did stumble upon one that was role playing as wolves. This was new for me. There were like 200 pages of this ongoing story and dialogue between all these people portraying their alter-egos as wolves. Pretty interesting, not my thing, actually I didn't even know it was a thing? From skimming through it they were all really into it though, it was almost like a book.
Thanks Lindz!

Have fun at chickenstock everyone, wish I could go!

Question-- How accurate have you found tail feather sexing to be?
All their combs look the same and coloring doesn't play into this so that's about all I have.
In general, it's worked for me. At a week old 3/6 of my blue marans have tail feathers, 1 just growing in and 2 nothing.
But on the 3 Isbars all 3 have tail feathers. I just didn't think I could be lucky enough to hatch 3 girls, so I feel like there's something else....

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