North Carolina

I am in need of some hatching eggs to put under my buff orpington... I have tried everything and I can not breaj her broody. She is going on 32 days... last resort is to give her some eggs and hope at least one will hatch and she will get over it... we have no rooster so we do not have any fertile eggs.

Anyone near randolph co... climax?

I can loan you a roo for a week or two to fertilize some eggs for ya. I'm sure he'd be happy to help out. LOL
Okay thank you!
I was thinking the Guineas would be out.
I knew peafowl could fly, but was thinking if we built some type of large enclosure like a coop with a covered run?
This isn't in the immediate future, just thinking down the line.
I always wanted a peacock.
The turkeys we have now (knock on wood) are pretty quiet. My tom is actually the quietest of all of them. Most people were telling me they'd just gobble all day. So far way less irritating to the neighbors than our roosters were...

When I was a kid in Wyoming, our neighbors had some peacocks. Gorgeous...but they sound very much like a woman yelling, "Help!" repeatedly. For people who don't know what a peacock sounds like, it can be a little alarming!
I am in need of some hatching eggs to put under my buff orpington... I have tried everything and I can not breaj her broody. She is going on 32 days... last resort is to give her some eggs and hope at least one will hatch and she will get over it... we have no rooster so we do not have any fertile eggs.

Anyone near randolph co... climax?

I'm in Ramseur, and we have a gorgeous EE Roo. We might have fertile eggs... I'm not entirely sure how to tell! If someone wants to give me a hand with that, I'd be happy to give you what fertilized ones we have.
When I was a kid in Wyoming, our neighbors had some peacocks. Gorgeous...but they sound very much like a woman yelling, "Help!" repeatedly. For people who don't know what a peacock sounds like, it can be a little alarming!

Hahaha that might not go over so well in a neighborhood! We'd probably end up with the police coming out for suspected domestic disputes!!!

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