North Carolina

I'm so sorry!  If it helps, I'm praying for ya.  Things will get better - even Noah's flood came to an end eventually.  :)  Just ride the waves and wait for the rainbow.  I'm sure you've already thought of this, but are you feeding FF?  That's supposed to cut down some on food costs.  Maybe free range them more?  Have you checked out the raising chickens on a shoestring thread?  They have lots of great ideas to cut costs on there.  Might help.  Hang in there!  :hugs

Thanks Beth, they are ranging from sun-up to sun-down and are now eating FF(just switched to this 2 weeks ago.) I will check out the shoestring thread. Thanks :hugs
Thank you... I am sure he would be happy to but none of my girls have fertile eggs and they were w him.... maybe he did not like my girls that much... I need some chicks because she has been broody for so long.....


I can loan you a roo for a week or two to fertilize some eggs for ya. I'm sure he'd be happy to help out. LOL
I might just take u up on that ... I cant seem to find day old chicks near us...

I'm in Ramseur, and we have a gorgeous EE Roo.  We might have fertile eggs... I'm not entirely sure how to tell!  If someone wants to give me a hand with that, I'd be happy to give you what fertilized ones we have. 
Well I feel very happy. Today while we were walking through Costco we found a little chicken coop. I'd never have thought Costco would be a place I would ever find a well built little coop. Long story short.. I found a little well built coop that can fit up to 4 chickens and all it needs is to be assembled. Needless to say we got it for one of our little bantam pairs. It is the perfect little size and reasonably priced. This doesn't fix our entire coop situation, but it fixes a little of it.

Anyway my mom was talking about how she wants to get some more hens to each of our little banty roosters. We have our Romeo (Golden Campine), Elvis (Buff Cochin), and Houdini (Buff Black Tail Bantam). I don't think we really care what color girls we have to each of our roosters, except for Romeo. We are thinking of selling Golden Campine chicks and hatching eggs. Anyways... I think I am at least want to get one rooster to at least one of our breeds... Our girls still aren't laying though and then theres the question of which rooster to pick! RIR, Black Australorp, Orpington, Welsummer, or Silver Laced Wyandotte?! We have found someone who we will most likely get a Lav Orpingon from this spring and pullets from a friend... and I don't like RIR roos! Ugh so many decisions!

Oh and thanks Dutchbunny for the help with the fermented feed!
anyone know what breed? Ok part domaniqucker but it has a kind of gold brown color around the neck?
Good morning folks

We have 2 turkey toms weighing in around
22-25 pounds right now that are destined for the
table next month and Christmas but in all honesty
if someone offered a good price for them I would
sell them but I don't know what is a good price.........
any thoughts on that?
I would hate to miss out on the best tasting meat
but I do have a few smaller ones I could use.

hope everyone has a good day

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