North Carolina

Good morning folks

I woke up to the sound of rain on the roof......what a
lovely sound to wake too. We need some rain and I
am glad it rained at night......hopefully it won't rain so
much during the day and I have half a chance of being
dry.......if I didn't have to work and if it wasn't cold I do
think I'd go play in the puddles.

hope everyone has a good day
Well I need it to stop raining and dry out! Picked up a really nice kennel on Saturday and its still on the truck. The cheeps shall be so happy with a run extension.
What can I do to dry out my run???

The chickens isn't that bad because they're higher up, but the poor turkeys!!! When I was in there feeding them this morning the top 3" or so of their run is just mud, poop & water! It's so gross! And for some reason these silly birds insist on just standing there in the cold rain, not using either of their shelters. I took 2 of those big bags of pine bedding from TSC and spread it out to absorb some/be dry but within minutes they succumbed to the muck, can barely see them.
I feel so bad for these birds! This isn't how I want them to spend their final week.

Rain rain go away!!!
What can I do to dry out my run???

The chickens isn't that bad because they're higher up, but the poor turkeys!!! When I was in there feeding them this morning the top 3" or so of their run is just mud, poop & water! It's so gross! And for some reason these silly birds insist on just standing there in the cold rain, not using either of their shelters. I took 2 of those big bags of pine bedding from TSC and spread it out to absorb some/be dry but within minutes they succumbed to the muck, can barely see them.
I feel so bad for these birds! This isn't how I want them to spend their final week.

Rain rain go away!!!

In the same whole barnyard is trying to suck the boots off my feet.

When I had my turkeys in a pen, they also stood out in the rain & muck despite a nice dry lean to.
We have lots of pine trees, so we used pine straw and leaves...just kept layering it. It was a PITA to clean out come nicer weather.

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