North Carolina

Neeleys - SOOO CUTE! Gosh, I wish I was closer!!!!!!! Maybe some fam will be heading your way and can bring some back for me!!! Congrats on the awesome hatch!

Jealous of all you future beekeepers. How fun! I luuuuuuuvvvvvv honey!

Ruthann, the Habitat stores are a good place to get the big sheets of vinyl. I checked them out myself. I was also considering the epoxy paint stuff like you can use for garage floors. Anyone tried that?

Have a great day everyone!
what about fumes with the epoxy paint? there ya go allabout new chicks and not from the feed store.
congratulation on the great hatch Neeleys. and how is your hen doing this week? allabout have you tried to see if they will just work it out themselves with you of course standing by to intervene if needed? My game hen was top girls around here until my 2 Brahmas came of age but now they all get along pretty good except of an evening when they first go to roost they really pick on each other but I try to let them work it out which is hard sometimes..
That's a good question about the fumes, Miss Lydia. I was planning on letting the whole thing air out for a couple of weeks after we finish the renovations before moving any chickies in, but it may still be too much. I've never used it before, but was just thinking of what could last a long time and be easy to clean. Any one else have any thoughts about it or experience with it?
Neeleys - great hatch, congrats!!
wish I was nearby...I'd take them ALL (see, BHep has already infected me...

ML - Care to explain what deep litter means? I've heard that a lot on the coop design page and I'm just LOST (I know, what's new)!! As for the mixed veggies...I don't mix anything on my plate... but I want the DD to get a variety of tastes/textures (That and I tried just plain was not a winner).

Bellydancer -

Ok everyone...I just HAD to share this all with you. I'm sure you all need a laugh. I FINALLY made it outside to get the yard work done that my husband wanted to do. First off, I have NEVER driven our tractor and he had it parked in the shed with the trailer attached. He wanted to use the dirt from our garden to fill in the driveway holes. So...I thought to myself, "this can't be too hard." Where's the video camera when you need it? I honestly had NO clue how to back that stupid thing out of the shed. I did manage to get it out and down the ramp...albeit sideways.
Ok, so that part was over with. I drove out to the HUGE hole in our driveway (yay...dirt
). Guess what? The hole is too far for the baby monitor to reach, so I run back up the driveway until it works, set it on the ground and get to shoveling dirt into the hole. Did I mention the hole is FILLED with water from the monsoon rain we had the other day?
That was the easy part. Then I had to figure out how to get the tractor turned around and head back to the garden to do some work there.
I hopped off the tractor to grab the baby monitor and freaked out. I didn't know that the seat had a "kill" switch so I panicked when I got up and the tractor died.
Crisis averted. Get to the garden and start TRYING to remove the grass out of what is going to be our 20x20 garden area. (So far I have a row 6' long x 2' wide of lettuce and peas!!) Would you believe I could NOT get the shovel into the ground. Our ground is wet. I thought, "Rock"...ok, so I moved down...same thing, moved again, still nothing. After 15 minutes of trying.
I gave up. Here's my personal sexist comment for the day (meaning only applicable for me) I'll stay in the kitchen and let my husband do all the "manual" work.
So I will bake him another HUGE batch of home made (imitation Krispy Kreme) donuts, some cookies, and anything else that I can think of to tempt him into ALWAYS doing the yard work.
I hope you all are having a better day than I did!!

edited for: <gasps> spelling
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Hey everyone! Jenanneray (or just Jen) here from Franklinton, NC, in Granville county. Is there anyone close to my area? I'm new to chickens, still trying to find my pullets and maybe a rooster or two. The coop should be finished by the end of this week, and I'm excited to add chickens to my yard!

btw, to the poster with the new hatch, congrats and they are soo cute!!

Looking forward to getting to know everyone!
from Apex, Jen! Working on my coop and eager for chickens as well! I do believe there are some folks close to you here. Post some pics of your work in progress when you can!

Ruthann, I enjoy coming here to hear what you've been up to during the day...
sometimes hard work is better off left to the men. you'll get it all done it just takes time and patience and I usually don't have much patience... deep litter is when you put about 4to6" of shaving or what ever you use in your coop and just turn it everyday, In the winter when I have a heated water bowl in the coop I'll throw in some BOSS or scratch and let the girls do it for me.. they can turn over a coop in no time.. then I clean everything out in the spring start fresh and do it all over again in the fall. and just add new bedding as needed. I usually end up with about 6to7" of old bedding when time to clean out, I just put it around my blueberries and other plants, since it has set there for 6 months it's already composted..
some folks don't clean out their coops but 1x a year, I can't do that when it starts getting kinda stinky I have to clean. and I do the same with the duck side but theirs has to be cleaned more often, for me anyway..

Hi Jen
the rule of thumb when it comes to roos is 10 hens for 1 roo, less fighting that way...

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