North Carolina

Wow that's a small egg
Well, Smitty.................Its almost 3am here and I just went in the kitchen and cracked the tiny egg. I would have taken $$ that it had NO yolk.......but here's the proof that I was wrong!
Going to save it until dh gets up and cook it and tell him that's his omelette! Here are a couple of picts. The shell itself was very strong.
This pict shows a teaspoon beside it.
Good morning folks

The colder it gets the less hens laying......or at least around here.
Granted some of these hens are not spring chicks soooooo........
I guess this year we need to raise a few replacements........ and
some more turkeys........just too dang tasty.

hope everyone has a good day
Just have to show someone!! LOL I'm guessing that this had to be from a pullet who had not layed anything until yesterday, Went out to tuck everyone to bed and I always check the egg/nesting areas. Last nite THIS was in one nest. ..I felt something but had my work gloves on and wasn't sure....I had fun laughing and talking to the girls about this one,!
But they seem to care less. Haven't crack it for the omelette, yet.
I will take picts when I do.. betting it doesn;t have a yolk!
This is a teaspoon !!just to help show comparison.

This is the normal egg I got at the same time,
I have had a few fart eggs over the years. Even had one so small that it was empty inside. They make for some cute pictures.
I love the wind eggs/fart eggs/practice eggs we get when the young girls are sorting things out. Mine usually have a teeny yolk, too. Sometimes there is none. I'll often blow those to keep, just because they are fun!

Today is the last day of class!! Finals next week! Then a much needed break. I need to clean my house, re-prep my materials for next year, and heal.
lol are you trying to starve them and that's got to be the smallest yolk I have seen ----lol I would eaten it and been like I need 99 more lol I keep it sunny side up :D
I am in Summerfield, North Carolina.
We have 5 happy hens. A leghorn, 2 Auracanas, an Ameraucana and a Rhode Island red.
I enjoy it looking around this website lots of Great information!
My fave rooster died. My mom said it happened Tuesday after I came and got my kitty. :( he was my baby. My Butterbean. He used to sleep on my shoulder every night before I went to bed!!! She said she didn't want to tell me what with all the stress of moving and the cat and workings 9 days in a row! But she didn't have a choice to tell me now since I insisted on going to love on him!!! My poor Butterbean! RIP Butterbean' I'm sooo sorry I wasn't here when you needed the most. I love you! You know you were always my favorite!




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