North Carolina

Finally in the new house, still Kore to move including two greenhouses, the chicken pens and a ton of trees and shrubs. Lots of room to spread out, 46 acres to be exact, lots to do!

Had some help sexing some young chickens, coop scoop and ramerizeframing came by and showed me some tips. Too bad most of the young are roos....looks like lots of pastry and chicken salad in my future.

Anyone around Fayetteville looking landscaping or plants/trees a note. Nursery, chickens, bees, honey...and expanding!!!

In Sanford, always looking for raw honey
Had to dispatch one of my bantams. He was a rose comb bantam, but he was a straight as*hole, toward my other chickens and my dog, and my kids. Finally got tired of it and handled it today.

Not the best feeling in th world but it had to be done/
Does anybody know where to find hatching eggs around Fayetteville that isn't on Craigslist? I heard some people have had some luck hatching Trader Joe's fertilized eggs, but there isn't a Trader Joe's around here. Would the farmer's markets have fertilized eggs? I only know of the one by the Reily Rd. gate and on Raeford Rd. just looking to test out an incubator, so breed isn't that important. Thanks!
If you look in people's signature lines, they often say what species and breeds they have. So look around and find something that makes you happy...then pm the person and see if they have eggs!

Been sick, then busy. Now as of this evening I have five wasp stings (or more; I'm only sure of five) on my left had and a couple on my right wrist. FYI...they Will build on metal trash cans/feed cans. On the back where you can't see them. Look before you bang on the can to knock out a dent. Look very carefully.
If you look in people's signature lines, they often say what species and breeds they have.  So look around and find something that makes you happy...then pm the person and see if they have eggs!

I found some Silkie eggs in my area! I also broke down and bought a Little Giant instead of attempting to make my own incubator. Stuff is about to get real!
If you look in people's signature lines, they often say what species and breeds they have. So look around and find something that makes you happy...then pm the person and see if they have eggs!

Been sick, then busy. Now as of this evening I have five wasp stings (or more; I'm only sure of five) on my left had and a couple on my right wrist. FYI...they Will build on metal trash cans/feed cans. On the back where you can't see them. Look before you bang on the can to knock out a dent. Look very carefully.
Dang! I'm sorry to hear that. I went 28 years of my life without ever being stung by a bee or anything until a couple months ago when I was cutting the grass. It was one of those kind that burrow in the ground. Felt a sharp sting on my achilles and when I looked down I saw the bee fall in my shoe (I remember reading that they die when they use their stinger..?). Anyway, I said to myself "wth, I got a bee sting?!" and before I knew it the rest of the guys were coming at me from friggin no where. I ran inside and iced my achilles for the next hour, but I'll tell you what, I won't ever wear shorts again when I'm cutting the grass. That junk hurt!

I hope you have a speedy recovery and that you aren't suffering from much of a reaction.
Good morning and Happy Monday to everyone!
Hope you all had a good weekend. We spent Saturday in Concord hanging with some friends at the pool. Yesterday we scoped the best location for our coop and measured it off (YAY! hopefully will start building soon!
) Then went back to school shopping. I got all of Katie's school supplies plus her first day outfit. Whew glad that is done. (I dread it all year) Today I am going to surprise her and take her to get her ears pierced and have a Katie Mommy lunch out. Hollowoakfarm, so sorry about your beestings! I have also never been stung and I tend to worry about it when I am outside
!, Hope you feel better soon! Gotta get moving and do some laundry before we leave :)Y'all have a great day!
My 7th broody hen finally hatched her babies on Saturday. I was so excited, because she was the last one. Then I discovered that my escapee Americauna that hatched 10 on June 5th went broody again yesterday. What the heck!

Walk away @Fireantz iceman , walk away!

I refuse to sign the "say no" petition for the same reason I don't want to register my birds. I mean, wouldn't it be pretty much the same thing? Yes, I'm that person.

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