North Carolina

Dang!  I'm sorry to hear that.  I went 28 years of my life without ever being stung by a bee or anything until a couple months ago when I was cutting the grass.  It was one of those kind that burrow in the ground.  Felt a sharp sting on my achilles and when I looked down I saw the bee fall in my shoe (I remember reading that they die when they use their stinger..?).  Anyway, I said to myself "wth, I got a bee sting?!" and before I knew it the rest of the guys were coming at me from friggin no where.  I ran inside and iced my achilles for the next hour, but I'll tell you what, I won't ever wear shorts again when I'm cutting the grass.  That junk hurt!

I hope you have a speedy recovery and that you aren't suffering from much of a reaction.

Be careful because they don't go away just because you disturbed beware.. They usually have a front door and a back door! The only thing we have found that worked was to get a piece of aluminum screening and carefully/without disturbing them..lay so that the area is covered. THEN pour the gas on them and light them up! May take 2 x ! They like sandy dry soil...if you have a sprinkler within their bedding... Set it up and let them get wet. Sometimes they will on... They can hurt you bad!
Good morning folks

And so it begins my new bus route and bus yesterday
and it all starts tomorrow with the college program high school students.
All the rest start on the 25th......summer is over for me.

The birds have started to molt least some of them have.
We do still have eggs though but have not hatched any lately. They
should still be good.

Hope everyone has a good day
I have also lost a two yr. old hen today. She developed sour crop and quickly went down hill. She was a beautiful German New Hampshire. I will miss my Ruby. Thankfully I have three New hampshires from this yrs hatch. I will not know for sure whether they are hens or roos for a bit. I am leanning heavily on the two being roos and one female. I wish it were the opposites. I got them from Kathy this Spring. This time of the yr. seems hard on the chickens. They are beginning to molt here and there and that seems to make them more suseptible to everything even with extra high quality feed. I can not let them free range in the grass just a run. The red shouldered hawks have found my property. They are hugh.:(
Crazyhen, sorry for the loss of your girl, and for the new predator "neighbors" hopefully they will soon see that they can't get to your chickens and will move on to more fruitful territory!
So, I have a weird question... I'm planning on getting NPIP certified soon, but was wondering... How do you actually *say* NPIP? I've been saying "en-pip", is that right? Or does everyone actually say each letter: "en-pee-eye-pee"? I warned you about it being a weird question.... ;)

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