North Carolina

Chicken feet are SO WEIRD, amIright?

So my escapee chicken, who disappeared in June and came home with 9 chicks, has gone broody again. I've never had a hen go broody twice in one spring/summer!
Chicken feet are SO WEIRD, amIright?

So my escapee chicken, who disappeared in June and came home with 9 chicks, has gone broody again. I've never had a hen go broody twice in one spring/summer!

Yes. I have had hens go broody several times a year. I find that
if they lose the chicks most often they go broody again quickly.
This is one way to get broody hens to incubate eggs but you have
to watch to make sure they eat and drink enough and often.
I've also got a few that will go broody multiple times. One appears to have just begun her third attempt for the year. I now have a special pen for these girls, to break them of broodiness. :(

Had my AI quarterly testing done this morning, and the tester, Lisa, had a few minutes to spare. We discussed my preparations for the possibility of AI hitting the state. I have bird netting up now on all the eaves of all the chicken houses, and will be covering doors, windows and any open area currently covered in 2 x 4 woven wire. The chain link 8 x 12 dog kennels are now lined with netting. I can tarp those to keep flyover droppings out. Lisa suggested adding either a foot pan with disinfectant or a spray bottle at each pen. Plus a boot scraper. Scrape the boots and spray them well before entering the pen. It seems new information they have points to the transfer of infectious material on footwear. If you walk from pen to pen and step in infected wild bird poo, you'll track it right into the next pen. So I'll have a heavy bleach concentration in my bottles, and a boot scraper at each door. (Won't do much good to spray without scraping. It won't penetrate the chunks well. If a chunk falls off and exposes the untreated side, it could still be infectious. So. scrape and spray! Just thought this was worth sharing.
Hey Guys!

Hope y'all didn't float away in all the rain we had. My girls have been taking turns wading through my flooded fire pit. LOL! Hate to hear about some of you guys losing your birds to predators. The one good thing about where I live, I don't have to worry too much about predators except for an occasional unwanted dog or cat.

Have a great week!
We had a tornado warning and sirens but we are still here. :) saw a fox in my yard the other day. :-( makes me glad my babies are still inside. I will be building fort Knox bed I left them venture out there alone...
Never minded foxes til I got chickens. Now every critter I see is a possible threat.

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