North Carolina

New, be sure to get pics of the truck
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Awesome looking slab... I'm already visualizing the coop there!!!!

I really am torn on building another coop this year... mainly because we have too many other projects going as is.
you're welcome to come over here with the hammer and heck, we'll supply the nails!!

Oh boy do I have a story for you all!!

Sorry ML,
no pictures of the truck OR the 85 yr old driver (NO JOKE)!! I hear this incessant honking at my neighbors house (who is almost 1/2 mile away) and so I take the DD out for a walk and such...well to make a long story short, I race into the house, grab the car keys and drive down to the neighbors house (praising the Lord the man was not home...he is NOT friendly towards "outsiders" ie: non-natives) and let the guy know that the truck is at the wrong house. He read the directions backwards and instead of turning at the END of the "tunnel of trees" he turns at the beginning!! <sigh>
so he's cussing up a storm (enough to make a sailor blush I'd imagine), has to RELOAD everything, finagle his 35' truck (complete with a forklift on the end) back down one dirt driveway and up another. Needless to say, he was NOT happy - but he was still a nice old man.
He had me rolling said he had to keep working just to pay for Christmas for all of his Great Grand Children & Great, Great Grand Children!! He even managed a toothless smile for my DD who just coo'd at him and tried to "stroke" his stubble...she has this "thing" for facial stubble...probably because my dad rubs his stubble against her cheek and makes her giggle!!

Anyway...just had to share my story with you!! I will load a picture of the SUPPLIES soon!!
For stomach wins over posting...sorry!!
Must. eat. lunch.

Vfem - Hey, if you want to get the coop building itch scratched...come on over...
I just HAD to try!!

Edited to say: When DON'T I have a story?? Hmmm...must be a side effect of this "chicken disease" I have.
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Hey junkmanme, how are ya. I am waiting for those pictures too, and when she finishes downloading them to her computer she can drive over here and help me figure out how to down load on my new computer.. It's driving me nuts.
Hiya, Miss Lydia (and all you other Tarheels !) !

I'm O.K. (but my old and wore-out "Blood-Pump" has been givin' me fits this month....

New Computer is giving YOU fits.....Hmmn. That's the trouble with "progress". About the time that you figure out your "old"'s old and won't "keep-up" with all the new-fangled stuff !!!

I'd be happy with a 40 year-old vehicle....instead of a NEW one. (I could mechanic on those old ones.) My 1995 Ford Explorer is too complicated for my simple mind.

MY computer is very obsolete now.....I'm going to need to get a new one also. (I won't know for a year how to do much with it.)

I wish they'd stop so much "progress" and just keep building the old Volkswagen Beetles and "reliable" computers instead of making things always MORE COMPLICATED !!!


Hey Junkman, miss seeing ya around here lately.

Miss Lydia, if you ever need help with your computer, just give me a call.
I'll eventually figure it all out.

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