North Carolina

Ha! You would be surprised! We are in SouthEast Charlotte and our neighbors have told us the crowing was enjoyable to hear! Personally, I - myself - did not enjoy being woken at 5am, but I guess each to their own! Good luck with your new chickens!

hey im in monroe!!! if u ever need anything or want some silkies or seremas let me know!!!!
Ugh, its 0330...have almost 4 more hours of my shift left. So tired, and only one patient on the unit.
However, I started actually moving some of our stuff into the house yesterday! Its starting to feel like its "our" home, I am so excited.
Morning I awoke abt 30 min ago with leg cramp
-Well its 40degrees now so don't guess I will have to carry water for the birds today
That would do rather a good job of covering for your roo :p
I really want guineas, too! They seem so neat! Independent and cute... like modern little dinosaurs roaming in a pack :) Great bug control, too.
HAHA!! I thought I wanted guineas until I actually got them and found out that (at least mine) they are lazy and worthless. They do not "alarm" when there is a predator, but will sound the alarm if the wind changes directions!! As for bug control...I think my ducks do a better job of eating bugs then my lazy guineas who just lie around waiting to be fed. Greedy buggers!! LOL. I will say, it is quite entertaining to hear "buckwheat" all day long at the slightest thing - however some days the same noise can be annoying. I guess it depends on my hormones for the day!!

Still running on a high from Beth's visit!! Time always seems to FLY when she (or anyone) visits and before we know's over with!
The cutest thing was my DD was shy and Beth's DS was trying SO hard to get her to play with him...she was stuck on mommy and no amount of "go play" pushes worked....then we go outside to check out the ever so handsome Cadbury and his harem of ladies, along with my crew (who SHOULD be laying and are STILL NOT
) and 2 minutes outside...they are FINALLY playing. Poor DS - he had to wait almost the entire visit to get the girl to play.
Seriously, she is not like that with the older boys at church...I think I have a wild one on my hands...going after the WAYYYYY older boys!!

No chicken news to speak of....
waiting on those layers to start laying!!
I am SO IMPATIENT!! LOL. Hope everyone has a great day!!!
Good Morning, Happy People!

I'm watching the combs redden on the Orps Daddy got for me. They should start laying this month. The two roos have been pestering the girls...even the younger group....something fierce, with their troglodyte ways. Little do they know that as soon as I have someone else out there big enough to crow, both of them are dog food. I have no idea what the one is, but the B. Orp roo is the ugliest one I've ever seen. No babies will be hatched from him!

Discussed new chickenhouse with hubby...who no longer remembers that offer. Like it matters. I think I'm going to have him build a "strip mall" type breeder house. One long narrow building, divided into small coops with runs. Then I can rotate breeding groups into those, as well as potential show birds that I want to keep in shape. Not building it this year, though. Next year's project, I think.

Everyone have a great day!
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I have a Silkie question that I hope some of you Silkie folks can help me with...... One of the silkies I got last weekend seems like it really can't see well. She has such a poofy top-notch that I really think it is impairing her ability to see. I have to put her near the food bowl and scratch at it for her to know the food is there - same with the water. The other two seem to find the food just fine.

Anyway, my question is- How and where do you trim the feathers on their heads so that they can see better? Do I just get some scissors and whack away or is there a need to "pluck" them (I would hate to do that) or are there certain ones to cut?

Any info would be greatly appreciated. I have trolled Youtube trying to find a video of how to do this but so far, I have had NO luck. I can get my DH to hold her while I trim as I'm sure she won't be happy about it....

Thanks so much!
I trimmed the fluff on my hen's behinds to help keep the poo from getting caught back there... I would think that it would be the same thing. As long as you're not cutting any feathers that have a big shaft - I think that I've heard that those will bleed sometimes. Go ahead and give it a try - and post some before / after picts.
I'm not a Silkie person, but you'll need to avoid "baby" feathers...the ones growing in. Those still have a blood supply. They may be big or small, but you can tell the shafts are darker with the blood supply. Have needle-nose pliers handy when trimming. If you accidently cut a blood feather, you'll need to pull it, or it will continue to bleed. Feathers don't clot well. Aside from that, it should just be aesthetics.

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