North Carolina

Good morning!

So... I have two wonderful roosters, father and son, and I was planning to keep them both, but they started to fight. The son is challenging the father, so I must either find him a home or... You know what... The father is a Dark Brahma, the son's mother a Buff Orpington. He is very friendly towards people, loves to be petted, but at the same time very protective of the hens, even attacked a fox. Here is a story - post number 11

He is huge - if anybody is trying to breed their our meat birds, he'd be a perfect breeder - and he grew really fast. But even if only for flock protection, this is your guy. He is the best rooster I've had. No hawk attacks, and we have several around. This guy really deserves a flock of his own, where he can protect his girls.

Please PM me if you can give him a home. I'd hate to go to option B. I'm close to Pittsboro but willing to drive him to a good home.

This is him - we used to call him Honey Bunny but he grew so big he is now Hungry Jack


Good morning everyone! Nothing exciting happening around here. I'm just patiently waiting for the weeks to pass and get my first eggs. My chickies are 16 weeks, so I have a bit of waiting to do.
Morning! Saw a beautiful rainbow this morning here in Lenoir, NC. Felt like God was saying "good morning"

Still can't get over how the "girls" call it a day at around 7pm. Still light outside, but I guess they need a lot of sleep. They've been roosting on only one of the bars. If that continues, I may take out one, not sure.

Took the pool cover off last night. Our first year with a pool (above ground). Being newbies, we of course had trouble. Tried to pull it off and the water on top (and leaves) got stuck at the edge. Someone had the bright idea of getting someone in the pool to help push it up over the edge.
The surface water didn't seem that bad, so, like an idiot, I changed out of my jeans and went in. Bad idea!
sooo cold I could barely talk. To top it off, getting in the pool didn't help the issue at all. We ended up getting all that leafy, yucky water in the pool
. We had to call a friend over to walk us through the process of turning the pump back on and start cleaning the pool out. She was a great source of info.
Think we will be leaving the pump on all year and just cover the pool with a netting to keep the leaves out during the fall.

Start my 2ND job tonight (a few hours of training anyway) so DH will be working on cleaning the pool a little every night.

Have a great Wednesday!
Morning! Saw a beautiful rainbow this morning here in Lenoir, NC. Felt like God was saying "good morning"

Still can't get over how the "girls" call it a day at around 7pm. Still light outside, but I guess they need a lot of sleep. They've been roosting on only one of the bars. If that continues, I may take out one, not sure.

Took the pool cover off last night. Our first year with a pool (above ground). Being newbies, we of course had trouble. Tried to pull it off and the water on top (and leaves) got stuck at the edge. Someone had the bright idea of getting someone in the pool to help push it up over the edge.
The surface water didn't seem that bad, so, like an idiot, I changed out of my jeans and went in. Bad idea!
sooo cold I could barely talk. To top it off, getting in the pool didn't help the issue at all. We ended up getting all that leafy, yucky water in the pool
. We had to call a friend over to walk us through the process of turning the pump back on and start cleaning the pool out. She was a great source of info.
Think we will be leaving the pump on all year and just cover the pool with a netting to keep the leaves out during the fall.

Start my 2ND job tonight (a few hours of training anyway) so DH will be working on cleaning the pool a little every night.

Have a great Wednesday!
We used to have a pool and every year we had problems with leaves getting in it. Each year we would try a different way and still they would some how sneak their way in. We gave up on the pool, and now we live closer to the ocean, so it works out fine. Good luck getting it all cleaned out. You have plenty of time.
Good morning y'all!

Been busy here lately, so I haven't really been on.

Hubby and I have been building a top bar bee hive, it's nearly finished now. We've also been repainting some rooms in the house.

In chicken news: Henny (my chicken that went broody hatched 6 chicks out a week and a half ago. They are such tiny, cute little things! She's been trying this morning to get them out of the coop, but they can't jump up to the ledge, so we tried putting a ramp up for them... well they just run under it and still try to jump up to the ledge. She won't let us near them to help them out, so we'll have to see how things go.

I have another bantam hen that is trying to go broody. I keep taking her off the nest, and not leaving eggs there for her, but she's stubborn.

And we got our first deformed egg today. It was thin shelled, wrinkly, and misshapen. Any possibility it was because she wasn't eating the oyster shell I put out for them? The feeder has chick starter in it for Mama and chicks, and I put oyster shell out for the layers. Should I be doing something different? I've tried to keep the chick starter separate, but the older girls wouldn't eat their feed, they eat all the chick starter.

Anyway, I hope you all have a good day!
Useless fact of the day: How many Muscovy ducks can fit under a well covering? The answer may surprise you....I have seen a total of 3 - 2 backsides and 1 head poking out of the "small" opening. Hmm...could there be eggs in there??
Can my week old chicks have avocado? I just sliced some up for my daughter and now she doesn't want it. I'd hate to just toss it since its my last one, and I'm too full to eat it haha.
Finally bringing them home this weekend. Almost got the pen ready. Should be done before quarantine period is done. She also has 3 more babies that are a week old. Hope they are silkies, one really looks like it. It is showing a little hairdo.
Hello everyone! It has been a few weeks since I have been on here. Getting too busy I guess! Hope everyone is doing well. Well My flock is almost done to just layers. I have a couple fatties left to get rid of and I guess cook in the crock pot : ) But I have two roosters out of my paid for pullets. thanks Murray McMurray. Is nine hens enough to have two roosters? I hate the thought of having to get rid of one. One is always around the ladies the other hangs out all by himself....

Have a great day chicken people!

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