North Carolina

I posted this in the diseases/cures category but I haven't seen any responses yet so here it is. What in the world is on his comb?
Can I see a picture? I want something that is low(er) maintenance (than perhaps cleaning out a waterer every week). Our family lives out of state, and I am looking for something that may be a little more less maintenance (for our neighbor) if we go out of town this summer. I have seen the 5 gallon bucket/pvc/chicken nipples, but the one that I saw was pretty complex, there has to be something easier. Thanks for all of your help
Chickenlover I have one hen that is very meticulous about cleaning his face and comb. It had a trickle of blood on it about 2 weeks ago but wasn't pouring. I don't have a closer pic yet but I could probably try and get one tomorrow if that would help. I do not have any other roosters for him to argue with.
By google I am thinking it's CRD or Infectious Coryza

Can I treat this myself???
Anyone know of any dr's near Fayetteville that treat poultry???

You might be right about it. I had a similar experience and had one chicken die. It started spreading thru the flock, treat them all with duramycin. You can get it at Tractor Supply. I have only found one vet in fayetteville area that has some avian experience, well he has a lady who does. Cumberland Animal Hospital. Dr. Price. Off of Pamalee Dr. Hope this post wasn't too late, haven't been on in a while
I've been working on the railroad...all the livelong day!

We'll not quite. But after my menfolk left, I walked out of the house and tripped on a hole the dogs dug. Again. Took me nearly half an hour to get back to my feet, and by then, I was mad. I keep asking hubby to do something permanent with the holes the dogs dig outside the back door. Every single one has dug there as a puppy. Murphy is five years old, so that's how long this has been going on. Hubby simply gets another load of dirt and fills in the holes. Day after day after day. DS filled them in three days in a row while he was here before he quit. So the back door area looked like this, this morning:

With this hole being the culprit today. Bright sunshine, so hard to see.

I filled an eight cubic foot wheelbarrow with the extra dirt. I raided this pile hubby had out behind the shop:

This was my method of transfer:

I'm by no means done, but by sundown, I was sorting out placement:

I have two more days before hubby returns, and it will be finished by then. Hubby will complain, because it won't have been done "right". He has been waiting for time to do it "right" for five years. I'll tell him he can use the time he's not spending filling in holes to do something else now....and I won't fall there again.

I'll be extremely sore tomorrow. However, I found that if I use the small landscaping shovel, I can lift it even with soil on it! Score one for the gimp! AND I moved all that slate by myself! A year ago I couldn't even have slid a piece of it, much less picked it up! Score one for the meds! I've got muscular dystrophy clinic next month. I'll have a story and pictures for them....and proof of my stubbornness, in case anyone needs it!
Dutchbunny, forget the dura-crap or any other soluable.  You need a fast acting injectable antibiotic.  I would go with Tylan 50.  1 CC per bird per day for 4 days for Large fowl.  Most feed stores carry it, but not all TSCs.  Obviously you will also need syringes.  Cheaper at a pharmacy then a feed store.  You just have to ask for them.  22-25 gauge needles work well.

I inject just under the skin on the upper back.  Some use the breast muscle for a deep injection, but I find that the under skin is just as effective and easier on the bird.

If a bird does not show improvement within 48 hours I would cull it.


As I read further down the thread,Good Advice.
I posted this in the diseases/cures category but I haven't seen any responses yet so here it is. What in the world is on his comb?

Looks like a pecked area that got infected and is healing. You can dab some '3-1' or other antibiotic ointment on it to help finish the healing and moisten the scabs.


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