North Carolina

Place your lowest ranking chicken in with your new chick for a while then gradually add another etc.   Do not add it to the flocks original pen for awhile until it and them are use to each other in the new pen where the little one is.  It will help some.  There will still be some pecking going on.  The pecking order is usually established by about 6 weeks.

It's the lowest ranking one that seems to be so aggressive. I know that since our roo just left that they are re-establishing the order but I'm worried that I've made a huge mistake with getting the baby.
I have 2 that I got a little bit after our first group of six. I am slowly introducing. The littlest have been free ranging outside the run where the others can see them for a couple of weeks now. And yesterday I let them free range together. There was minimal pecking, and the two littlest stuck together, so hopefully that will help them. However, the older 6 have grown quite a bit since being put out in the coop & run, so I am going to wait another couple of weeks until they are closer in size.

We'll see... Good luck to you!
Do you think that since the baby (5 weeks) is alone it will have social issues? I'm in Downtown Cary and we are allowed 5 max. I already have four 11 week olds so I couldn't get 2 babies. I'm thinking I may wait a few weeks before placing the baby with them, to allow it to get some size on it.
I got a question. If my boxer got pregnant by a three legged dog will she have three legged puppies?
Bout to find out real soon
Hope everyone had a great Memorial Day! I'm back from my visit in Virginia, and before Memorial Day is over wanted to thank my own husband for over thirty years of service in the Army Special Forces, wearing that Green Beret. Kudos for my man!
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