North Carolina

Thanks for the kind comments about my birds!

I did a head count this evening. I have nine Buff Orpingtons, two more RIRs and one Silly Sweetie Welsummer that can get sold. I didn't realize how many of my Welsummers the foxes got in that raid! But Silly Sweetie wants to be a pet, so she must go. She has a slightly wry tail though, so shouldn't be used for breeding. I'd like to keep her long enough to make sure that twist doesn't interfere with her laying. The others can go at any time. I have another person who has requested some. I'll message her and see how many she wants. If anyone else in here was seriously interested, speak now! I know there's been speculation, but nothing concrete. But I'd rather not cut anyone short if I can help it!
I still want two Orpingtons. I could meet up this Saturday (7/20) around 1:00pm. I know dutchbunny83 talked about sharing her lavenders
. Someone mention EEs but I don't remember who it was.
Hey guys!

Sorry to be redundant, I know we had this conversation a month ago or so, but after a half hour of searching back pages I can't find it!
Someone recommended a flea medicine for cats-- I can't remember who it was or what it was.
We've been using frontline plus forever, and it's not working. When we just got home the entire house is infected and has to be flea bombed. We have no dogs and only one cat, but he loves to go outside and has long hair. I know advantix isn't supposed to be used on cats.

Can anyone remember/find/recommend the best treatment for fleas on a cat? He is digging his ears and nose open. I made a vet appointment, but can't get in until next week and want to order something ASAP for it.

I use Revolution. It takes care of fleas and worms. If we meet up on Saturday I could bring you one to get you by until you got your own.

I was at an auction when the auctioneer said that guineas eat fire ants. I had to look that one up! After research I was thoroughly dissapointed to find that it seems NOTHING eats fire ants.

On one of the posts I read, a guy said he had actually taken a fire ant and bit into it. He said the little buggers are very bitter. So... I guess that is why nothing eats them! I was ready to buy a whole flock of guineas - noisy or not. Oh well, it was intersting research - and perhaps more interesting to find that someone would eat a fire ant to see how they taste.
I still want two Orpingtons. I could meet up this Saturday (7/20) around 1:00pm. I know dutchbunny83 talked about sharing her lavenders
. Someone mention EEs but I don't remember who it was.
I use Revolution. It takes care of fleas and worms. If we meet up on Saturday I could bring you one to get you by until you got your own.

I think CSB said she has EEs. I also do if she has sold hers. Either way, just want to make sure you get what you are looking for since you are coming so far!
Lizabelsherill, two are held for you. The other person is dealing with a sudden family health issue and says she'll get hatching eggs later on, so that leaves seven orps and two RIR.

I've had guineas, and didn't find them to be any better at tick/flea control than the chickens. They are also supposed to be good watchdogs, but I've gone to investigate because my chickens were all huddled at the chicken find the guineas out foraging under the tree the hawk was perched in! After that, I sold my guineas. It got quieter here.
I was at an auction when the auctioneer said that guineas eat fire ants. I had to look that one up! After research I was thoroughly dissapointed to find that it seems NOTHING eats fire ants.

On one of the posts I read, a guy said he had actually taken a fire ant and bit into it. He said the little buggers are very bitter. So... I guess that is why nothing eats them! I was ready to buy a whole flock of guineas - noisy or not. Oh well, it was intersting research - and perhaps more interesting to find that someone would eat a fire ant to see how they taste.
I use uncooked grits on all the ants around here, or a can of race fuel and a torch!

Fleas this year are ridiculous!!!! We don't have any inside pets and I'm getting bit from somewhere.
Hollows got some gorgeous birds! those buffs almost look cuckoo!!!! and fat!!!!
We're down to 5 birds in the big pen, 11 in the grow out, 3 in the other grow out and one lone chick that thinks she runs the place.
Good late morning everyone! Not much to report so just popped on to let those of you "stalking" that no Aside from that, we're attempting to dry out and get everyone ready for company!!
Have a great day all!!
Luke, you are one crazy guy! Race fuel and a torch.... Please don't tell me there's beer involved too!

NH, glad you poppped in - you konw we are all on baby watch! If you don't check in we will start to wonder! I missed the final outcome, did you have any surviving ducklings? I know most of the eggs drowned during pipping, but *think* I remember one or two possiblities.
Luke, you are one crazy guy! Race fuel and a torch.... Please don't tell me there's beer involved too!

NH, glad you poppped in - you konw we are all on baby watch! If you don't check in we will start to wonder! I missed the final outcome, did you have any surviving ducklings? I know most of the eggs drowned during pipping, but *think* I remember one or two possiblities.
hahaha "hold my beer, watch this"

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