North Carolina

That is so great!!
Hey everyone, I was just wondering if anyone out there in north carolina was selling any old coops or anything? We are getting some more chickens and we are desperately needing a new coop if we are going to accommodate to fit more. And I mean desperately. The three chickens we have now are in a decent sized dog pen, laying in a dog house... We need a new coop. We are hopefully going out and getting some new laying hens this weekend, but we really need to get a coop for them all and fast! So I was just kinda curious whether or not anyone was selling one, knew how to build one, or know someone who isn't too terribly expensive to hire to build one...

We were also somewhat considering turning an old pool deck into a coop, but not entirely sure where to start...

Any sites, advice, numbers, names or anything would be appreciated!

This chicken lover is grasping at ropes to get this stupid coop built!
I'd take that deck and leave a few feet from the stairs clear (second pole on the left as you walk up the steps). Add four walls, one with a door and at least 1 window. Add a roof, roost, and the nest boxes inside. Then wrap the bottom in wire (under the deck) and cut a hole in the deck floor (so the hole is inside the house part of the deck) and add a ramp so the birds can go up and down as they want. Hmm might make that hole close-able with the part you cut out so if you need you can close them in the house.
I'd take that deck and leave a few feet from the stairs clear (second pole on the left as you walk up the steps). Add four walls, one with a door and at least 1 window. Add a roof, roost, and the nest boxes inside. Then wrap the bottom in wire (under the deck) and cut a hole in the deck floor (so the hole is inside the house part of the deck) and add a ramp so the birds can go up and down as they want. Hmm might make that hole close-able with the part you cut out so if you need you can close them in the house.
Thank you so much! you just gave me the biggest idea ever!!!!!! I mean like, I have just gotten this sudden hit of inspiration that I can now see my future coop. Thank you so much!!!! You don't know how much your post just changed for me!!!

You are right on all counts. It comes back to the fault of the person who tossed out a pet. The cat was trying to survive. Unfortunately, feral cats are a big problem with both domestic small livestock and wildlife. Sorry you had to be the one to take that cat out, but glad you made it as quick and clean as you could.
Congratulations! First eggs are always cause for excitement!
what she said.......all the way around
Matt, I am so sorry that you had to do that. It is so hard for animal lovers to do this when they must. I cried like a baby this spring when I was faced with a pred that was not going to stop coming back. I hated what I had to do. We have live traps out, and lights, and so on, but....

On a happier note; welcome to the newcomers, and congratts on the new egg layers!!!
I hope we don't get too beat by the rain again. I want a break from it for a little while.
I am still amazed that the hens have not all grown webbed feet!

DS-1 helped me look for a roo for a long time this evening when it was time for lock-down.
We looked all over the place for him, and finaly i shined the flash light just right on the porch, and found him in a shelf, in the flowerpot that holds DS-2's giant sidewalk chalk! Just goes to show... You always find what your looking for in the last place you look.
I was checking inside of places he could not have been without the help of DS-2 when I did find him. This is not the first chicken hunt, and I'm sure it will not be the last.

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