North Carolina

looks like saddles coming in, can you get a side shot of the whole bird
I have gotten some advice as to what I can do to fix my chicken coop designs. I've decided to make the whole upper deck the coop. This would make more room for the roosts and nesting boxes.

The roost took forever to build!!!!

Hows it look? I was thinking we could make a door directly to the run too.
Oh and does anyone know where we can get some Jersey Giants, preferably laying to almost laying? I'm only asking because the man we were going to get some from sold them out from under us without telling us!
Also, can anyone tell me about Sussex's? I've done some reading about them, but have heard about their nice large eggs. I'm just curious about what people think about them, what colors they think are the best, and where I might be able to find them. Maybe for now, or future reference, depending on our whole coop thing...
I had really hopedy little Butterbean would be a girl. Oh well I guess I'll just have to wait and see! ;) the feathers around the neck aren't really pointy. But they aren't rounded either. Anyone have a clue as to what breed Butterbean is?
Hey everyone. Sorry I am posting another question yet again, but I guess it is better to ask questions and know what you're doing than just assume something and have something bad happen. Anyway, we have some friends that have some Japanese Ornamental Buff Black Tail Bantam chicks they want to give us. We mostly want big egg laying chickens, but we couldn't say no to three cute little midget chickens! Especially if we have Jersey Giants. We will have giants and little midgets running around the yard
. I find the thought of that hilarious!

Sorry, got a little off track, so back to the point. We are getting two hens and a little rooster from them, but we have never dealt with any kind of bantam breed and was wondering when a good age for them to stay outside all the time would be. Right now my mom and I do not have the time to take care and babysit chicks. We have more time in the fall but right now we leave the house at 7 am and don't get back to the house until around 8 pm. Yeah like right now we have our friends watching our little maran chicks until they get big enough to not need a heat lamp. That is kind of what we want to do the same thing with the Bantams, but this is the first time both my family and theirs have ever messed with a bantam breed.

They hatched about 5 weeks ago and are going through what my friend calls the "dinosaur stage", because they are have fledged, if thats what you call it (the stage where they are getting their feathers in instead of just being fuzzy). Right now they have been spending time outside in their little run and coming in at night to sit under a heat lamp.

So could anyone please help me out with figuring out how long they need to be warmed up at night, or when they could possibly be left out in the day, but come inside at night, but don't need a heat lamp.

Thanks a load!!!

I have 2 chicks that free range with the big ones during the day but stay in a pet carrier inside at night. They are only 7 weeks old and are doing great without a heat lamp. They haven't been using a heat lamp for about 4 weeks now. Not everyone may agree with that but they have been fine. :) sorry to butt in. But that's my opinion. It would be way different if it was cold though.
Hello! I think I'm going to try to keep as many of these as possible. I have to work on a sturdy safe big coop though. I'm trying to find stuff to work with. I know I probably won't have enough space for All of them but I am still trying to find good homes. I'm just so worried that wild animals might get them. I am thinking of building a coop near the pond in the cow pasture it will be fenced in inside the pasture so the long horns won't mess with them. What do u all think?
Use heavy gaged wire, not chicken wire, and add lighting around the area. Human presence has helped. Wire at the bottom of runs going under also. We have even added chainlink like dog kennels with a top. I hope you are able to figure it out.

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