North Carolina

:welcome to the new folks

Hollow- :fl hope Levi is feeling better today, and there were no disasters in the hou

its a cool foggy morning here. Went out before the sun came up to open pop doors. And then back out at 7 To feed everyone. Usually by 7 Everybody is awake and waiting on breakfast, but today the layers were still nestled down on the roosts, with a sleepy look in their eye. I don't think they are to keen on these 63 degree nights were having :lol: acted like they just wanted '5 more minutes.' Haha.
Got a ton of cooking to do today for a family gathering this weekend. Making potato salad, Honey almond chicken salad, and a wild rice salad(has apples,almonds, and dried cranberries). also need to get a butt roasting for BBQ.

Hope you all have a wonderful day
Good Morning everyone!!
We had a horrible day yesterday!!
Aside from feeling like a dairy cow (LOL)...went out to find that our broody pen had been broken into, lost all of our chicks and one of the 2 mamas had been attacked. Our main coop had also been "attacked" but fortunately it withstood the attack - something tried to pry the doors open and just got a bloody paw instead!! Glad we decided to leave the sharp edges on the HWC when we designed the doors!! Anyway...DH and I have decided that the broody coop needs to be redone (it also needs repairs) and so we came up with an idea (it was ALL me...but since he's doing the build, I'll give him credit too...LOL). We're going to move the coop, install/bury HWC underneath the entire thing (DH doesn't want to pour more concrete) and make a bigger run/coop while we're at it. We are also going to order some Freedom Rangers and use this new coop as the grow out area as well as our broody pen. We should have the new set up done by next weekend - unless DH ends up working the weekend because of "paternity leave"...yeah!
Anyway, looking forward to taking pictures of the new/improved coop once it's finished... Still have my fingers crossed that my few duck eggs that are being sat upon right now will hatch despite all the trauma...if not, I don't know what to do as this mama is DETERMINED to hatch babies. Do you think (since she is SO determined) that I could put her in with the day old chicks that we order if she hasn't hatched anything by then?? I honestly don't know WHAT to do with her...her wound didn't look too bad. She was missing feathers and had a small puncture wound - she was so stressed, she wouldn't let us near her, but DH and I did manage to get some BK on the wound (and plenty on my hand...LOL)...I'm making her a big batch of scrambled eggs to help her regain her strength...anything else I can do for her? I'm worried that I will go out there today and find her...dead. I have been putting it off because of that!

Hope everyone else has a better day!!

Oh no! I'm sorry about's so heartbreaking to lose your birds. I'm sure your momma will be fine. I've read electrolytes are good for stressed birds.

Hollow - I hope your dog is ok. Sick animals are no fun!

Good Morning everyone!!
We had a horrible day yesterday!!
Aside from feeling like a dairy cow (LOL)...went out to find that our broody pen had been broken into, lost all of our chicks and one of the 2 mamas had been attacked. Our main coop had also been "attacked" but fortunately it withstood the attack - something tried to pry the doors open and just got a bloody paw instead!! Glad we decided to leave the sharp edges on the HWC when we designed the doors!! Anyway...DH and I have decided that the broody coop needs to be redone (it also needs repairs) and so we came up with an idea (it was ALL me...but since he's doing the build, I'll give him credit too...LOL). We're going to move the coop, install/bury HWC underneath the entire thing (DH doesn't want to pour more concrete) and make a bigger run/coop while we're at it. We are also going to order some Freedom Rangers and use this new coop as the grow out area as well as our broody pen. We should have the new set up done by next weekend - unless DH ends up working the weekend because of "paternity leave"...yeah!
Anyway, looking forward to taking pictures of the new/improved coop once it's finished... Still have my fingers crossed that my few duck eggs that are being sat upon right now will hatch despite all the trauma...if not, I don't know what to do as this mama is DETERMINED to hatch babies. Do you think (since she is SO determined) that I could put her in with the day old chicks that we order if she hasn't hatched anything by then?? I honestly don't know WHAT to do with her...her wound didn't look too bad. She was missing feathers and had a small puncture wound - she was so stressed, she wouldn't let us near her, but DH and I did manage to get some BK on the wound (and plenty on my hand...LOL)...I'm making her a big batch of scrambled eggs to help her regain her strength...anything else I can do for her? I'm worried that I will go out there today and find her...dead. I have been putting it off because of that!

Hope everyone else has a better day!!
With a puncture wound, you need to let it heal from the inside out. You will need to wash it out every day and keep the scab off so it doesn't fill with puss and become infected. Good luck
Good morning!

I have a freedom ranger with what seems to be a broken leg.
He is laying in the coop under the brooder lamp with the new chicks with his leg sprawled out.
When I made him get up to check on it, he won't put any weight on it, he just hops with his one wing spread out, I think for balance.
Anything I can do for it???
I was thinking a splint, but wasn't sure how to do it or what to use.
I hate to have to cull him (even though he was going to be dinner anyway). Just seems like such a waste of life, and he's not acting like he is in pain....
I think I've decided to sell all of my Blue/Black/Splash Ameraucana cockerels. I'll keep the pullets for the blue eggs (which is why I got them) and for making Easter Eggers and Olive Eggers, but I've decided not to continue with the pure-bred birds. If anyone wants an Ameraucana cockerel to make their own EEs and OEs, let me know! I have more Blacks than Blues, and only one Splash. These are all young birds, with the earliest hatch dates in late February. I have Jim Heinz, Back Acres Farm, and Whitmore Farms birds.
Good morning!

I have a freedom ranger with what seems to be a broken leg.
He is laying in the coop under the brooder lamp with the new chicks with his leg sprawled out.
When I made him get up to check on it, he won't put any weight on it, he just hops with his one wing spread out, I think for balance.
Anything I can do for it???
I was thinking a splint, but wasn't sure how to do it or what to use.
I hate to have to cull him (even though he was going to be dinner anyway).  Just seems like such a waste of life, and he's not acting like he is in pain....

Not bearing weight IS acting like he's in pain. If it wasn't painful, he'd put weight on it. I can't help you fix him
though, as I can't see what's wrong.
Good morning folks

and welcome to all new folks

sorry NH........hope you get the new coop done

hope Levi is doing better today Meg

I am enjoying the cooler temps today.......we worked
on clearing some brush off the fence line yesterday
and it seems I managed to get some cactus spines in
a finger or three......the tiny fine hard to see but feels like
the size of a 2 x 4 and the wild raspberry cane thorns.
I feel like a pin cushion today.
Not about chickens, but......
I've been looking for chinchillas for awhile, but don't want them from a pet store.
Just saw on craigslist someone is selling a mom and her 2 baby girls!!!!
Going to pick them up now, super excited!!!!!
Hi All!
I promised a friend that I would post information about a NC Chicken Gather/Swap coming up this fall. He says:
"I would like to publicly invite anyone who has a sincere interest in aviculture to attend the 1st Annual "Friends of a Feather" Tailgate/Swap on October 5th in historic Plymouth, NC. This event will coincide with the "Ribs on the Roanoke" celebration. Eric Koss and I are working with the Washington County Chamber of Commerce on the event in hopes of bringing others, especially younger persons, into the wonderful world of aviculture. We are inviting breeders and hobbyists alike to attend and hopefully bring: waterfowl, pheasant, peafowl, chickens, turkeys, quail, doves, etc. There is NO FEE to participate but we do ask that you humanely transport and cage your "feathered friends". To better prepare, it would assist Eric and me greatly if yo would contact one of us to "reserve" your location. Once again, there will be NO FEE to buy or sell. We also encourage other to simply come view the beautiful birds that are on hand. Lastly, we request that yo comply with all applicable state and federal laws regarding the transport, sale, or transferal of such animals. If you would like more information, please contact Kevin at [email protected] or Eric at [email protected]"

I hope to see you there as I will be there myself!
Not about chickens, but......
I've been looking for chinchillas for awhile, but don't want them from a pet store.
Just saw on craigslist someone is selling a mom and her 2 baby girls!!!!
Going to pick them up now, super excited!!!!!

Excited for you! I love Chinchillas! In my opinion they are the best indoor caged pet!

Happy rainy day everybody!
My homemade feed trough is full of water! Maybe I will move it into the coop today.

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