North Carolina

so sorry to hear about everyone's losses.
I have a chicken health/first aid question for the experienced people. I noticed a tiny dribble of blood on her beak, coming from right at the base of her comb where it touches the top of the beak. I managed to catch her and put her in isolation, bc I was worried the others might peck seeing the blood. Other than cleaning it off with some water, what else can I do for her? There wasnt an obvious open wound. I was giving them treats just before I came to work, so I didnt have lots of time to doctor her. I plan to go home and tend her in the morning when I get off work.

I always use neosporin and it works like a champ. It is the kind without the pain medicine
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I always use neosporin and it works like a champ. It is the kind without the pain medicine
I only have the kind with the pain med in it, (kids are wimps, LOL, sad for children of nurses). But, I will obtain some this morning. Ive got to go to sleep today, working a 3 night stretch. I might just let her chill in the brooder box on the porch alone, since I cant watch her and its been raining for a few hours already.
Of course, this is just my luck. Our rooster finally calmed down and we got him settled in with our newly established flock... and now he's lost his chances. He isn't attacking my mom anymore, but is being way over aggressive with our hens. He was fine the first day, but now this morning I found him outside the coop (which is where is his gonna stay) and one of our RIRs back is missing a TON of feathers. I mean to the point where he is being way over aggressive. He's only been with them for two days! There's no reason she should be that bad.

Anyway our other RIR has some missing feathers too, none of the other birds really has anything that I can tell, but my mom says he has to go now. We don't want him over stressing any hens and we have ten hens now all together, so there should be no reason to repeatedly abuse the hens!

So if anyone wants to take him or know where someone wants a Cuckoo Maran rooster just PM and you are most welcome to take him. We don't want any money for him. We just want him to stop abusing our girls!

I don't want to see him go, but he's broken the last straw. He's had many chances and we tried our hardest to reestablish a nice sized flock for a single rooster and he blew it.
Can anyone point me in the direction of no corn, no soy (GMO free feed)???
This is the whole reason I am raising my own meat, and I have had no luck finding it.
I am growing my own corn, but it's only 375 sq feet it's far from enough, but I'm pretty limited in the city.
Also, what could I use to subsidize the protein without the soy. I know they'll eat eggs, but right now I'm not getting any.
It doesn't have to be organic feed, it has to have no soy and no corn. Even organic feed with soy and corn still contains GMOs.

Of course, this is just my luck. Our rooster finally calmed down and we got him settled in with our newly established flock... and now he's lost his chances. He isn't attacking my mom anymore, but is being way over aggressive with our hens. He was fine the first day, but now this morning I found him outside the coop (which is where is his gonna stay) and one of our RIRs back is missing a TON of feathers. I mean to the point where he is being way over aggressive. He's only been with them for two days! There's no reason she should be that bad.

Anyway our other RIR has some missing feathers too, none of the other birds really has anything that I can tell, but my mom says he has to go now. We don't want him over stressing any hens and we have ten hens now all together, so there should be no reason to repeatedly abuse the hens!

So if anyone wants to take him or know where someone wants a Cuckoo Maran rooster just PM and you are most welcome to take him. We don't want any money for him. We just want him to stop abusing our girls!

I don't want to see him go, but he's broken the last straw. He's had many chances and we tried our hardest to reestablish a nice sized flock for a single rooster and he blew it.
Just a question, is the one RIR hen missing just her back feathers? I know some of my birds have started to molt already. I have been seeing feathers all over the ground.
Good morning everyone!

I'm sorry about the losses everyone is experiencing right now. I haven't had to deal with death yet...just them vanishing, which is hard I can't imagine how you must feel.

I hope you all have a beautiful Tuesday.
Anyone know where I can get an Ayam Cemani chick or hatching eggs???
I had never even heard of this breed, then I saw a picture and I HAVE to have one!
I looked on ebay and 8 hatching mail order eggs are up to $900 with shipping!!!!!!!!
Definitely can't convince the husband on that one, especially without knowing the hatch rate, but I REALLY want one!!!
Dutchbunny, Its the new breed that everyone is after, not many have them and they are HIGH $$$$$. They are very neat but there are a couple of other birds with black faces and or black skin. Silkies have black skin, meat, bones, and organs just like the Ayam Cemani. Sumatras and some other fibro skinned birds have the black/dark skin faces.
Anyone know where I can get an Ayam Cemani chick or hatching eggs???
I had never even heard of this breed, then I saw a picture and I HAVE to have one!
I looked on ebay and 8 hatching mail order eggs are up to $900 with shipping!!!!!!!!
Definitely can't convince the husband on that one, especially without knowing the hatch rate, but I REALLY want one!!!

From what i have read on them they are pretty rare here in the US, you can look on Greenfire farms webpage, they usually have a fair price. but I still think Its 100$ a chick. if you find any they are gonna be really expensive.

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