North Carolina

My son came in last night to escape some of the weather over Boone way. Now he's worried about the electricity going out at home and his snakes. He should have brought them with him.

Today is house cleaning, pie-baking, and a few other things. Gotta pick up one or two items at the grocery store. And that's it.

I'm having undiagnosed chick troubles. I have three groups of chicks, basically. Older ones, mid-age, and the youngest. I had the two older groups in Juvenile Detention outside. The youngest hatched last weekend, so are of course still inside. Since it was to get down to the low 20's, I brought the middle group back in, so there wouldn't be big piles under the heat lamps, suffocating the littler ones. I brought in 23 chicks. And they are dying like flies. There are only seven left! Their cages are on top of the younger ones, and the younger ones are fine. The older ones still outside are fine. They are all on the same food, same water, and all inside birds have the same bedding. No poopy butts, no signs or symptoms aside from getting lethargic and fading away. I'm stumped. I have no idea what is causing this, but I've come to the conclusion that I won't save any of them. I've lost Gold-laced Orpingtons, Chocolate Orpingtons, Golden Cuckoo Marans, Isbars, Welsummers and EEs. I'm frustrated as all get-out. The older and younger chicks that are fine include several of these same breeds. And as I said, feed, bedding, housing...all the same.

I'm about ready to throw in the towel.
Its a truly tragic day here in Morehead city. we had an f2 tornado come through last night. My poor chickens didn't stand a chance. coop is completely gone and I'm finding mangled bodies of my silkies everywhere. I even had to get a body out of a tree. I'm hopeful that maybe just one got out alive. So I search on...
Its a truly tragic day here in Morehead city. we had an f2 tornado come through last night. My poor chickens didn't stand a chance. coop is completely gone and I'm finding mangled bodies of my silkies everywhere. I even had to get a body out of a tree. I'm hopeful that maybe just one got out alive. So I search on...

I'm so sorry. <3
Its a truly tragic day here in Morehead city. we had an f2 tornado come through last night. My poor chickens didn't stand a chance. coop is completely gone and I'm finding mangled bodies of my silkies everywhere. I even had to get a body out of a tree. I'm hopeful that maybe just one got out alive. So I search on...
What a dreadful thing to wake up to! I'm glad it wasn't your house and your family, though. I hope you will find some of your chickens alive. Sometimes they are surprisingly resilient.
Madison County here!!

Its a truly tragic day here in Morehead city. we had an f2 tornado come through last night. My poor chickens didn't stand a chance. coop is completely gone and I'm finding mangled bodies of my silkies everywhere. I even had to get a body out of a tree. I'm hopeful that maybe just one got out alive. So I search on...

I am so, so sorry. :hit
I found my rooster so far. He was 3 miles away! Down the road. I went to go to my mothers and came across a white fluffy mass in a ditch. I stopped and he came running out like he knew it was me. I'm overjoyed and am now searching the neighbor hood for my others.
I found my rooster so far. He was 3 miles away! Down the road. I went to go to my mothers and came across a white fluffy mass in a ditch. I stopped and he came running out like he knew it was me. I'm overjoyed and am now searching the neighbor hood for my others.
Sorry about that, hope you find more of them alive.

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