North Carolina

I met the turtleman last November at his home in KY and he said he wanted me as help on his show and I've been emailing his agent its looking like my dream of working for animalplanet may be a possibility after all... I've worked at animal rehabs, aviaries, and have been rescuing animals my whole life I was catching rattlesnakes longer then I was tall at age 7 and had pet alligators and great blue herrins I rescued at age 9 my mother always told me I'd be on animal planet one day even the turtleman said he could see me with my own show hahaha how about that?
That is SO AWESOME!!!

is anybody else finding the avatar for FVRM hilarious ? !!!
Yes, I meant to say something about that earlier...I regret nothing!!! HAAA!

Good news, my faverolles are pooping normal again. I think they achieved immunity. But my caunas are ruffled and I already lost 3. Hopefully they overcome it. I'll know by tonight or tomorrow.
Yes ..they are Lavender.
The males get a more Cruncles then hens do.They get more as they mature. My hens fly over a 5 ft fence without blinking. My males are heavier and don't / can't lift over....not saying they can't or won't HAHAHa
Claws are damaging,getting smacked with a wing hurts. My children do not carry around any of my birds, they are not toys so therefore they don't get scratched or smacked with a wing. They do feed them by hand and the birds take the treats gently. They are sweet birds and very broody.

I do not bother selling hatching eggs, Muscovy are hard to hatch by incubator. I let the hens do all the work. I have 3 hens sitting now.

I don't think of our animals as toys, but they are pets, so they're all handled by my kids.
Haha my 2 1/2 year old is actually the best out of any of us at catching them in the yard.
I'm hoping when we downsize the extra drakes and sadly process my favorite pekin girls the runners won't be so noisy.
I don't really like clipping wings, so a flyer might not work so well.
Though my turkeys could both fly easily (the hen gets up on my roof all the time), but they've never tried to leave my yard. Guess they know where the food is!
I've never tried to hatch duck eggs before.
If you are ever trying to sell extra ducklings let me know, I may be interested! Your birds are really pretty
I met the turtleman last November at his home in KY and he said he wanted me as help on his show and I've been emailing his agent its looking like my dream of working for animalplanet may be a possibility after all... I've worked at animal rehabs, aviaries, and have been rescuing animals my whole life I was catching rattlesnakes longer then I was tall at age 7 and had pet alligators and great blue herrins I rescued at age 9 my mother always told me I'd be on animal planet one day even the turtleman said he could see me with my own show hahaha how about that?
GIRL///!!!!!!! THAT IS SO NEAT!!! Yea, I think he's crazy for going after turtles the way he does...I couldn't do it without somekind of trap....You are not putting me in a pond with turtles as big as he pulls out of there. He and his sidekick are sure 'nuff showman for these drama but better him than me and I'm excited for you to (hopefully) get your dream to come true. Sounds like you just have it in you to do it...let us know when you get something going...I want to be watching!
:celebrate GIRL///!!!!!!!  THAT IS SO NEAT!!!  Yea, I think he's crazy for going after turtles the way he does...I couldn't do it without somekind of trap....You are not putting me in a pond with turtles as big as he pulls out of there. He and his sidekick are sure 'nuff showman for these drama but better him than me and I'm excited for you to (hopefully) get your dream to come true. Sounds like you just have it in you to do it...let us know when you get something going...I want to be watching!:weee
lmao thanks I will and I'm excited but I'm a guy lol
Guess mother nature over heard me talking about putting in a duck pond, because she took it upon herself to install one in the middle of my yard!!!

How's your lake doing, RF??? This is the most rain we've had over this way in a lonnnnnnng time!!!!

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