North Carolina

Its 9;00pm and a neighbor jus

t knocked on our door and ask if my dh could come shoot a raccoon!
They have a pony and a horse next to our property..(he and my dh are cousins)...anyway...dh's cousin had caught the raccoon eating with the pony and shoo'd him away. then before he finished feeding up, the raccoon had come right back,! Was not scared that the guy was there moving around!
So dh and him took my 410 and some extra shells and took that fella coon down! I was glad because he came out of the woods which go right behind our coops are between the woods and our house. I'm so excited because my dh who...if you remember, is not a chicken man and has not helped me with anything to do with them....well, he got the grass cut today and said before Monday was over...he and I would have the coop/run finished!! We won't have the top covered/wired but we are going to tarp it for the time being. That will give the girls shade and protection from the fly-overs

\Today's progress: got post marked for trimming maybe tomorrow, and put one top level of wiring on. Its a 2x3" hole.. May go over the bottom layer with chicken wire at a later date but for right now...this part of the paneling is done. Door has been hinged/hung/leveled and tomorrow I will frame the top of door. The threshold was toenailed first thing this am. Just got a few staples in to anchor this panel..will attach the screw/washers tomorrow
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Its 9;00pm and a neighbor jus

t knocked on our door and ask if my dh could come shoot a raccoon!
They have a pony and a horse next to our property..(he and my dh are cousins)...anyway...dh's cousin had caught the raccoon eating with the pony and shoo'd him away. then before he finished feeding up, the raccoon had come right back,! Was not scared that the guy was there moving around!
So dh and him took my 410 and some extra shells and took that fella coon down! I was glad because he came out of the woods which go right behind our coops are between the woods and our house. I'm so excited because my dh who...if you remember, is not a chicken man and has not helped me with anything to do with them....well, he got the grass cut today and said before Monday was over...he and I would have the coop/run finished!! We won't have the top covered/wired but we are going to tarp it for the time being. That will give the girls shade and protection from the fly-overs

\Today's progress: got post marked for trimming maybe tomorrow, and put one top level of wiring on. Its a 2x3" hole.. May go over the bottom layer with chicken wire at a later date but for right now...this part of the paneling is done. Door has been hinged/hung/leveled and tomorrow I will frame the top of door. The threshold was toenailed first thing this am. Just got a few staples in to anchor this panel..will attach the screw/washers tomorrow
You have a real good start here!!

I guess Dutchbunny had her stroke during my spell away from BYC! I hope she recovers soon!!! In my prayers.

@jtbass2756 Still at my dads so I don't have a picture of the new coop yet, will have to post one when I get back to my moms. And the mustard eggs did absolutely NOTHING. The new girls just went right on in and broke the bantam eggs I put in there for them. Ate every scrap of mustard. The guy said he was going back to RIRs because the Wellies didn't lay as well as them. Our wellies lay just as much as our RIRs and he said he only fed his vegetable scraps and let them free range. They are laying! They just keep eating their eggs!

Does anyone have any ideas of what I could do to break the egg eating?!? I'm open to any suggestions, we're not too happy they're eating all of their eggs (we got them specifically to be getting more eggs!). Mom said they would be getting turned to very expensive dinners soon if we can't stop it.
DTS, make sure they have a source of calcium (egg shells, oyster shell etc) I have broke an egg eater using a kids plastic egg (kitchen set) and rocks that look close to an egg. You will have to collect the real eggs very often so they can't eat them while you do this. I have seen white and brown ceramic eggs for sale on ebay that would work for this as well.

Good luck.
I let the kids stay the night at my parents house to help them with some things. On the way home from getting them this morning, my son sticks his batman underwear from yesterday on his head and proclaims "I am captain underwear!" Where oh where do they get this stuff from?? I can't imagine having more than one boy to deal with at this age (thinking of his poor teacher with all the boys of this age in her class).
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DTS, make sure they have a source of calcium (egg shells, oyster shell etc) I have broke an egg eater using a kids plastic egg (kitchen set) and rocks that look close to an egg. You will have to collect the real eggs very often so they can't eat them while you do this. I have seen white and brown ceramic eggs for sale on ebay that would work for this as well.

Good luck.
We have fake eggs in there with some gold balls and I keep going in the coop, finding the fake eggs and golf balls all the way on the other side of the coop.. If they were given the option to free range (we haven't yet because we haven't had them too long) would they maybe not eat the eggs because of not spending as much time in the coop?

Thanks Ramirezframing!
I let the kids stay the night at my parents house to help them with some things. On the way home from getting them this morning, my son sticks his batman underwear from yesterday on his head and proclaims "I am captain underwear!" Where oh where do they get this stuff from?? I can't imagine having more than one boy to deal with at this age (thinking of his poor teacher with all the boys of this age in her class).
This is a set of books, maybe 15 or so, about young boys in school.
Good luck with him!

I let the kids stay the night at my parents house to help them with some things. On the way home from getting them this morning, my son sticks his batman underwear from yesterday on his head and proclaims "I am captain underwear!" Where oh where do they get this stuff from?? I can't imagine having more than one boy to deal with at this age (thinking of his poor teacher with all the boys of this age in her class).

Lol! If I recall, there was a "superhero" book series called Captain Underpants. But I think he just ran around with only underwear and a cape on haha.
(face plant myself) Really?? A book series for boys of a super hero in just underwear and a cape?? SSSSSOOOOO hoping he doesn't decide to try and re enact any of these books. Now I have to wonder (more like worry) that he won't want to be a spider for Halloween, but captain underwear instead :/ ....

Just gotta make it till he's 18 LOL
[COLOR=008000]IF I remember right Mt' Healthy had an out break earlier this year too and has had 3 so far total.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=008000]I hear good things about Cackle Hatchery and  suppose to have show quality some times. Either[/COLOR]
[COLOR=008000]way good luck with the egg production.[/COLOR]

Yes. The outbreak they had this year had that chicken whisperer guy calling for a complete flock cull if anyone had gotten anything from them this year. A number of folks too his advice before he finally did modify it. Sheesh.

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