North Carolina

Good morning folks

I'm at an age that my body is use to getting up by a certain time
........but it suggests a nap not so long afterwards. Some mornings
it is hard to get going and there isn't always a lot of energy..........
on those days I'm ready to cut the flock to 5 or 6 hens but my
loving DH takes care of me and the birds and between him and
DD#2 the flock continues. It's all their idea anyhow..............

hope everyone has a good day
Good morning folks

I'm at an age that my body is use to getting up by a certain time
........but it suggests a nap not so long afterwards. Some mornings
it is hard to get going and there isn't always a lot of energy..........
on those days I'm ready to cut the flock to 5 or 6 hens but my
loving DH takes care of me and the birds and between him and
DD#2 the flock continues. It's all their idea anyhow..............

hope everyone has a good day
Yeah. Sure. We all believe that.

Welcome to the new folks!!!
I don't know about you guys, but I sure am thankful for a mild winter so far. Sure beats the heck out of last year!

I'm thinking about what I'm going to do about broody hens this year. Most of the hens I have are the daughters of my rooster so I'm probably going to be looking for substitute eggs. I've got a couple of broodies that had 100% hatch rates this year. Getting excited to see what hatches in the spring! :) What are you guys planning this year for your new stock?
Hi! We just moved from Washington state to Sanford, NC and am so excited to get started with our first chickens. We have 3 chicks, 6wk light brahma and a partridge Silkie and a 4 wk blue Orphington. I'm hoping to add more soon since we officially got our approval for the coop and all. I'm looking forward to chatting and getting to know you guys! I've found so much useful info so already!

I'm in Sanford as well. If you are interested, I have a few 9 wk Olive Eggers and 15 chicks(Ameraucana x Silkie cross and some Lavender Ameraucana) from the New Year's Hatch a long that you can have FREE! Pullets and Cockerels
Good morning folks

I am thankful for the usually mild winters we get in most
of North Carolina.....I know the mountains get more snow
and cold temps than the rest of us. It seems we get a few
days of cold and then it warms up for a few. There have
been the rare times when it got cold and stayed that way
just a bit too long. Now if we can get the summer humidity
to tone down a bit........

hope everyone has a good day
Good Mourning Y'all

Hope everyone is warm and safe this AM.

@ccnbuck That is a very generous offer some mighty nice folk in Sanford

Been hearing the boys for awhile now don't know what they be talking about but they like to talk, so I guess there all ok. Still a bit cold and too dark to go out to the coop yet, so I sent the dogs they did not raise an alarm and came right back in. So I was right cold and dark out
This is my first winter as a "chicken. Mama"... And I'm terrifiedfor my girlies the next two nights... Their coop is well built and I know they snuggle in... But still... I'm able to blanket my horses :) ... How does every handle these cold temps? Happy Wednesday!!
This is my first winter as a "chicken. Mama"... And I'm terrifiedfor my girlies the next two nights... Their coop is well built and I know they snuggle in... But still... I'm able to blanket my horses
... How does every handle these cold temps? Happy Wednesday!!

I know the feeling, but they will be ok. Last winter was my first I only had two hens in a drafty coop and they did fine, and it was much colder. I know of another flock near me that prefers to roost in a tree, not much warmth there.

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