North Carolina

I'm late going out to check on the chickens....they will really be fussing! This snow and ice has taken its tole on this ole body..... I have to bring in wood for the fireplace....the woodpile is out behind the chicken coop so its where no one can see me. I usually have my weapon on me anyway since I"m by myself so much. During the last two days I have fallen 2 times ..both times with a load of wood in my arms and no way to break the fall,, WOW! I'm so sore, Yesterday I just stayed where I fell for a minute and then tried to wiggle to see if anything was broken! LOL It was all ok except for it still hurting! I still stayed there for another minute until the snow cold started breaking thru the pain and I decided that I better get up. Since everything worked, I finished getting the wood in and then retreated to my recliner. Probably should have kept moving but that took the stuffing out of me! Today, I have to go take care of my ladies and then come in to my recliner again. Got plans in my head to work with some pallets but my heart isn't in it yet. Maybe later. I'll post when I finish with my ladies... Can't sit here any longer and know they need tending.
Would anyone want to start a fayetteville chicken swap/sell group with me? Fayetteville is one of the few cities that doesn't have one, there's hundreds of general NC, East coast or outer banks groups. I tried to start one but apparently facebook says I need friends
(story of my life) I don't use facebook for anything other than groups so I don't send friend requests and such. pm me if you would like to participate.
that would be cool! im in FV, but Ive heard organizing swaps is a lot of hard work!
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I'm late going out to check on the chickens....they will really be fussing! This snow and ice has taken its tole on this ole body..... I have to bring in wood for the fireplace....the woodpile is out behind the chicken coop so its where no one can see me. I usually have my weapon on me anyway since I"m by myself so much. During the last two days I have fallen 2 times ..both times with a load of wood in my arms and no way to break the fall,, WOW! I'm so sore, Yesterday I just stayed where I fell for a minute and then tried to wiggle to see if anything was broken! LOL It was all ok except for it still hurting! I still stayed there for another minute until the snow cold started breaking thru the pain and I decided that I better get up. Since everything worked, I finished getting the wood in and then retreated to my recliner. Probably should have kept moving but that took the stuffing out of me! Today, I have to go take care of my ladies and then come in to my recliner again. Got plans in my head to work with some pallets but my heart isn't in it yet. Maybe later. I'll post when I finish with my ladies... Can't sit here any longer and know they need tending.

Oh, my goodness Ms Jay, you need to be walking with a stick! Please be careful! My very healthy, resilient mother tripped and broke her femur last year (not even on ice) and took several months to heal.

I saw someone had created this group on Facebook recently: Chicken Buy/Sale/Trade - Wake, Chatham, Orange, Durham Counties NC
Who posted about creating one for Fayetteville? Maybe it would help to include several surrounding counties and post there for anyone interested too?

Thanks for all the compliments about my birds. I think some people don't get how I could just sent and watch them for hours, but they are just so Purdy!
I'm late going out to check on the chickens....they will really be fussing! This snow and ice has taken its tole on this ole body..... I have to bring in wood for the fireplace....the woodpile is out behind the chicken coop so its where no one can see me. I usually have my weapon on me anyway since I"m by myself so much. During the last two days I have fallen 2 times ..both times with a load of wood in my arms and no way to break the fall,, WOW! I'm so sore, Yesterday I just stayed where I fell for a minute and then tried to wiggle to see if anything was broken! LOL It was all ok except for it still hurting! I still stayed there for another minute until the snow cold started breaking thru the pain and I decided that I better get up. Since everything worked, I finished getting the wood in and then retreated to my recliner. Probably should have kept moving but that took the stuffing out of me! Today, I have to go take care of my ladies and then come in to my recliner again. Got plans in my head to work with some pallets but my heart isn't in it yet. Maybe later. I'll post when I finish with my ladies... Can't sit here any longer and know they need tending.
Take care of yourself first! I'm very glad you didn't break anything! I have a neuromuscular disorder, so have the balance issues that go with that. One thing I've found very, very, very helpful is a muck tub cart. Instead of lifting and pushing as with a wheelbarrow, you push down and then forward. I use it for everything. It would work nicely for firewood, too. There are several types on the market. The simpler one that TSC sells is the one I have. Wouldn't trade it for anything.

Be careful out there!
cwhittington, Hollowoakfarm: Well, all is done and all is well. NO FALLS today, don't think I could get up again. I'm used to pushing thru, However! I also have a neuromuscular problem (thought it was Parkinson's because I lost the fine motor skills and developed a tremor at the same time.. That was about 10 yrs ago. After a yr of feeling sorry for myself, I realized that I was pretty many couldn't get up by themselves each morning. I started painting with my left hand (thus the "Wrong-Handed Artist of Red Oak" label), then last summer when I had to build that coop by myself..I had to learn to use tools with my left hand. So when it came to getting my own wood in the ice/snow,,,I never thought twice! LOL But now I'm almost 66 yr. I have and do use a cane, just not always. I used a walker but when I got off went down with me. So they have put me in a power wheelchair, but you can't use it in the snow and I go and bulldoze my body thru whatever needs to be done! I love my ladies and always am glad to go take care of them. Thanks for your caring words...makes me feel good to know someone cares.
Okay, here's my PSA:
I'm updating new snow map forecast. The latest data and trends point to a widespread 6 to 10" snow...storm from parts of Alabama Georgia to Carolinas and Virginia now. The RAP and NAM are both excellent short term tools and are increasing amounts drastically--on top of what was already slated to be a big event. In some areas this will be a devastating snowstorm, with tree falls and roof collapses, and power outages.
Ths is no ordinary dry powdery snow. This is extremely WET , heavy snow. The problems will come from too much falling too fast---simple as that. The trees won't be able to slough off the snow in time, when it's falling at up to 2" per hour (in some areas). That's why I'm extremely concerned especially north side of Birmingham and Atlanta to all of Upstate South Carolina, through interior NC and southeast Quadrant of Virginia, where now Richmond is in line for bigger totals than thought. A 6" storm is manageable, but when 8" or more of this Cement falls in a very short time like this one will, then power issues arise FAST. And there could be over a FOOT in parts of the Carolinas and possibly part of GA, AR, VA as well.

Keep this in mind for your coops/tarps, wasn't something I thought about much until I saw this forecast!
Anyone here have any experience with Bielefelders? I'm really interested! Although right now they are a bit out of budget :-/ I'm trying to convince myself it's all hype!

Batten down the hatches tonight, my peeps! Stay safe and warm...

I had them and wasn't impressed. I know someone in NC that breeds them if you are interested in Eggs or Chicks.

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