North Carolina

If you find any, let me know!
I looked for like a year without any luck.
Bought some expensive eggs on ebay, only 2 hatched, and both were males.
This spring I ended up buying one from Meyer that added them, but they were $$$ from a hatchery ($35 plus $30 shipping on the order).
I just wanted her because I like how they look and I love blue eggs, not to breed or anything.

DoubleAtrianing has Cream legbars....send her a PM.
I see a bunch of people are looking for this or that BUT......We can't post anything we have to sell because someone keeps flagging the post.
Hello everyone! My dad has just informed me he rescued a rooster - but can't keep it due to chicken laws where he lives. Any ideas on what breed this guy is? That's a Minorca behind him and a Light Brahma front left.

**Edited to add: We plan on keeping him at least until our new chicks (due to arrive May 11th from McMurray Hatchery) mature. After that.... who knows.

He looks like a decent sized mix rooster.
So, I don't actually own any chickens yet. Nor do I see it happening in the very near future. But, I like to research and be fully versed before any significant undertaking. BYC has turned out to be MORE than I had ever thought existed about chickens! Just wanted to stop by and say hello before I end up lurking for too long and look like an even bigger weirdo
new flocker

So he's of the Crock Pot Chicken variety? :) Not saying he will end up in a pot, but not promising he wont either. My dad said he kept coming over hanging around 'his girls'. After a while he found out which neighbor he belonged to and the guy said he could have him. Since he isn't even supposed to have hens he figured it wasn't a great idea for him to keep a rooster that so loudly and frequently announces his presence. I told him we'd take him but I can't promise he wont end up on the dinner table once our new chicks arrive and mature. I don't want a mess of roosters running around. Anyone wants him PM me. He should arrive sometime next week.
Hi all!

I am moving back to NC from WA and looking for a house near Sanford and I really want to get chickens again. I had them in Spring Lake before I moved and I miss having them.

My question is what are the laws or rules in Lee County for having chickens and also I probably want to get Pygmy goats down the road as well.

Thank you :)

Most of it will depend on an HOA, make sure where you buy you don't have one.
Also if you're renting not buying it has to go through your rental company.
The people I know in Sanford have chickens and goats as do their neighbors.

Thanks! I'm looking at buying cause I have a Siberian husky (who grew up around chickens and ducks) and finding a house to rent with her is a nightmare. So looking for a house to buy with a little property and start my personal little farm up again.
cross beak can occur from incubation temp changes or not having the right humidity. How bad is the cross beak? if it's bad you may have to cull before it starves. I've bred brother and sister before without any defects, most of the time they are not full siblings. a flock consists of 1 rooster and many hens. the chances that these two came from the same hen is not very high. 


I dont think its too bad at the moment but it could get worse. I dont recall tem changes but i did lift the lid more than normal but it shouldnt be different than a broody...the roo and the hen are brother and sister. Same mother and same father. They are a pair.
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I have a few that need to hit the pot over here as well. :drool

I have two "black broiler" hens dh picked up at Southern States last fall to process. He procrastinated so long they started laying. :/ they're giving us an egg a day each though so I suppose they are earning their keep. They're still going in the pot this fall but they bought themselves a stay of execution. One keeps trying to go broody though.

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