North Carolina

That,s a good question, without a very dark egg, the money will not be there.
Edit to add, That I see white in the wing.

Scott, they haven't molted their last round of feathers so the one white tip feather is not to be concerned yet.

If we knew the egg color we would be asking a lot more as the hatchery charges $60 for day old chicks. We were given a deal and are asking simply what we paid.
SOME BODY PLEASE ANSWER ME...IM FREAKING OUT just got bitten by that stray cat that has been hanging around. He has become quite love able but we were playing and he didn't mean to but it scared me so I ripped my hand away and his tooth cut me. What should I do? I don't wana call animal control because they will put him down. My dad works in law enforcement and knows how that works. I washed it with bleach because I have no alcohol. Somebody please answer me.
SOME BODY PLEASE ANSWER ME...IM FREAKING OUT just got bitten by that stray cat that has been hanging around. He has become quite love able but we were playing and he didn't mean to but it scared me so I ripped my hand away and his tooth cut me. What should I do? I don't wana call animal control because they will put him down. My dad works in law enforcement and knows how that works. I washed it with bleach because I have no alcohol. Somebody please answer me.
White bread with whole milk on it. Wrap it around your finger and put your hand in a bag, go to bed and wash off in the morning. Repeat if you need to.
Is anyone running into those nasty short black caterpillars with 2 yellow stripes? There everywhere on the concrete here in fuquay and they are nasty! Haha! When they are stepped on they have bright yellow guts. I know the chickens may have spotted a few but im wondering what they are and if theyre poisonous?
SOME BODY PLEASE ANSWER ME...IM FREAKING OUT just got bitten by that stray cat that has been hanging around. He has become quite love able but we were playing and he didn't mean to but it scared me so I ripped my hand away and his tooth cut me. What should I do? I don't wana call animal control because they will put him down. My dad works in law enforcement and knows how that works. I washed it with bleach because I have no alcohol. Somebody please answer me.
You need to get a tetanus shot. It would be great if you could catch it and keep it caged for 10 days to make sure there is no sign of sickness.

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