North Carolina

Anyone in the Davidson County area who wants to split an order at the TSC? I am hatching out some turkeys at the end of the month and want to get just a couple of chicks to go with them. I don't need a full six. I have 18 chickens already, though I'll cull two or three before the hatch, and have 14 turkey eggs. I've heard that chick companions can help the turkeys thrive.
Thank you
Hey strangers!

How has everyone been? I'm loving this weather. Overseas PCS fell through so it looks like we're staying in Fayetteville awhile.
This is the first Spring I'm not incubating, some people get baby fever I have chicken fever, I have banned myself from going to TSC during chick days haha.

I do have a question-- My daughter really wants a goose. We have a pair of ducks and a handful of hens, both separate to protect the chickens from the drake.
Can I keep a female goose with my pair of ducks?
I searched on here and it was saying you could keep all geese, ducks, and chickens together and I know that's not true so wanted to double check before I let her get one.

Also, I know geese can be mean. I've been looking into more docile breeds. Are females calmer than the ganders?
Hey strangers!

How has everyone been? I'm loving this weather. Overseas PCS fell through so it looks like we're staying in Fayetteville awhile.
This is the first Spring I'm not incubating, some people get baby fever I have chicken fever, I have banned myself from going to TSC during chick days haha.

I do have a question-- My daughter really wants a goose. We have a pair of ducks and a handful of hens, both separate to protect the chickens from the drake.
Can I keep a female goose with my pair of ducks?
I searched on here and it was saying you could keep all geese, ducks, and chickens together and I know that's not true so wanted to double check before I let her get one.

Also, I know geese can be mean. I've been looking into more docile breeds. Are females calmer than the ganders?

We had Mallards and Canadian Geese living together for years without a problem outside of the occasion argument between them.
Hey strangers!

How has everyone been?  I'm loving this weather.  Overseas PCS fell through so it looks like we're staying in Fayetteville awhile.
This is the first Spring I'm not incubating, some people get baby fever I have chicken fever, I have banned myself from going to TSC during chick days haha.

I do have a question--  My daughter really wants a goose.  We have a pair of ducks and a  handful of hens, both separate to protect the chickens from the drake.
Can I keep a female goose with my pair of ducks?
I searched on here and it was saying you could keep all geese, ducks, and chickens together and I know that's not true so wanted to double check before I let her get one.

Also, I know geese can be mean. I've been looking into more docile breeds.  Are females calmer than the ganders?
I raise ducks and chickens together without any problems
I raise ducks and chickens together without any problems

A male duck could potentially really harm one of your hens if he's mating with them.
Not to be crude, but drakes have a 9" corkscrew shaped barbed penis and a hen is not meant to take that on as roosters don't.

I wasn't sure if female geese were more like the ducks or the chickens?
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A male duck could potentially really harm one of your hens if he's mating with them.
Not to be crude, but drakes have a 9" corkscrew shaped barbed penis and a hen is not meant to take that on as roosters don't. 

I wasn't sure if female geese were more like the ducks or the chickens?
I have roosters who protect the flock and the drakes are scared of the roosters. Everything's great here never had a problem
That could be really risky not having a rooster to protect the flock but it just depends on his change when it's breeding season

I think there's some confusion as to what I'm asking, if I had a rooster it wouldn't be with my ducks anyway, it would be with my chickens. My question is can a goose be kept with a duck (like do they have similar internal anatomy) that it would be fine for a duck to be in there or does a goose have more internal anatomy of a chicken and need to be kept with my chickens?
Even if I had a rooster, I don't keep my ducks and chickens together.
I would prefer not to have a goose with my chickens either, but don't want it to get hurt by a drake.

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